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Course Descriptions


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NOTE: Individual course fees are subject to change. See your account summary in myUVU for accurate charges.

GRK 1010LH
Beginning Ancient Greek I
4 Credit Hours
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1010 or ENGH 1005

Studies Ancient Greek language at the introductory level, focusing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.

GRK 1020LH
Beginning Ancient Greek II
4 Credit Hours
Prerequisite(s): GRK 1010

Continues study of the Ancient Greek language at the introductory level, focussing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.

GRK 2010LH
Intermediate Ancient Greek I
4 Credit Hours
Prerequisite(s): GRK 1020

Studies the Ancient Greek language at the intermediate level, focusing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.

GRK 2020HH
Intermediate Ancient Greek II
4 Credit Hours
Prerequisite(s): GRK 2010

Studies Ancient Greek language at the intermediate level, focussing primarily on Attic Greek. Centers on grammar and textbook exercises with some analysis of literary and/or philosophical selections in Ancient Greek. Relates particularly to students interested in studying Ancient Greek culture and thought.

GRK 3010
Readings in Ancient Greek
3 Credit Hours
Prerequisite(s): GRK 2020 and University Advanced Standing

Instructs students in the translation of selected Ancient Greek poetry and prose.