President�s Council Statement on Ethical Conduct 2018 As the President�s Council, we believe it is important to affirm Utah Valley University�s commitment to fostering ethical conduct in all that we do and a climate of accountability across all departments and divisions. Our expectation, articulated annually since September 2016, is that all faculty, staff, and administrators will demonstrate leadership in this effort by exhibiting and reinforcing ethical practices in their own areas. A shared commitment to ethical behavior is essential to the University�s success in fulfilling its mission to serve students, conduct its business activities, strengthen its professional reputation for excellence, and maintain the public�s trust. As stewards of the University�s finances, assets, resources, and public image, all university employees must conduct themselves with honesty and integrity. This necessitates compliance with UVU�s Code of Conduct and the requirements set by university policy and applicable laws. Accountability at all levels is critical. Faculty, staff, and administrators who violate these standards are subject to disciplinary action. Likewise, supervisors are subject to discipline for the misconduct of employees they supervise if it is determined that a failure of oversight in their supervisory role allowed the misconduct to occur. All University employees are expected to read and comply with UVU�s Code of Conduct, complete their annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form, and seek answers to any questions they might have about its application to their daily work. Supporting information and other resources are available through the University�s Compliance website. It is the responsibility of all faculty, staff, and administrators who witness conduct that violates the Code of Conduct or other UVU policies to report it to the appropriate supervisor or responsible university officer. Anonymous reports can be made through EthicsPoint at 877-288-5401 or at All such reports will be reviewed and, if appropriate, investigated. Any university employee who retaliates against an individual who has made a good faith report will be subject to disciplinary action. We commend all those who live up to these ideals and express our confidence in the faculty, staff, and administrators entrusted to carry out the vital mission of this institution.