Taking FE Exam is REQUIRED for Graduation. You do not need to pass this test.

Why Take It?

The following steps should be taken to becoming a professional licensed engineer:

  1. Taking and passing the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam
  2. Working for at least four years under a Professional Engineer to be eligible for taking the Professional Engineering (PE) exam
  3. Taking and passing the PE exam
The first step in becoming a Professional Engineer is to take the FE exam which is a computer-based test with about 110 multiple-choice questions. This test is designed to measure your engineering knowledge. Usually, this test is taken during or right after undergraduate engineering studies. There are many benefits in taking and passing the FE exam, including higher earning potential and better career opportunities.

FE Exam for Degree

Two Engineers look at Building

FE Civil

Ruler and Blueprints on a table

FE Mechanical

Circuit Board

FE Electrical & Computer