Sponsored Students Banner

A sponsor is a guarantor, or in the case of a student, it is one who takes on the responsibility of paying all or part of a student's education costs. Want to learn more? Choose a box below.

  • Who can be a Sponsor?

    Utah State Dept of Rehabilitation, Dept of Workforce Services, Veterans Administration, Military Installations, as well as other government agencies make up our largest group of sponsors. However, a number of cities and other employers also participate as sponsors, helping employees with their education.

  • How does a Sponsor authorize payment?

    The instrument a sponsor uses to guarantee payment may take on many forms. Some agencies use very specific forms such as an Authorization of Payment. Many businesses use a purchase order to authorize payment, and others will draft their own letter of authorization. Any one of these methods may be used as long as it is a signed document and your authorization contains the following information:

    • Sponsoring agency name, street address, telephone and/or fax number
    • Billing address, if different from the local agency address
    • Name of an individual or department to contact with billing questions
    • Reference information, such as P.O. number, authorization number, or other information that you require on the invoice
    • Full name and student identification number (either the social security number or UV ID) of all individuals you are sponsoring
    • Authorization period. Most authorizations cover just one semester with a new authorization sent each new semester (e.g. Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025).
    • Services and products authorized for payment (e.g. application fees, tuition and fees, books, parking, etc.)

    The terms of an authorization are set up through the agency in coordination with the school as a billing guide for the school. Each sponsor differs in what they will pay for, so be specific in describing those terms.

    Sponsored Students does not accept Financial Guarantee/Authorization letters that require special billing conditions such as specific class enrollment, financial aid received, maintenance of a minimum grade point average or passing grade requirement.

  • Where do I send the authorization?

    • Authorizations may be mailed directly to UVU at:

      Utah Valley University
      Business Office - MS 109
      800 W University Parkway
      Orem, UT 84058

    • Authorizations may be faxed to (801) 863-8787.
    • Authorizations may be e-mailed to [email protected].
    • Authorization may be hand carried by the student to the Bursar's windows and/or to the specific department needing proof of payment before services can be rendered.
    • Authorizations may be placed in the tuition payment drop box by the student rather than standing in long lines.
    • Authorizations may be brought directly to the Business Office, room BA 108.
  • When should authorizations arrive at UVU?

    Sponsors should send authorizations/payments to UVU after registration has opened for the current semester but prior to any payment deadline that would cause the students classes to purge (drop). Payment deadlines are listed under Important Dates to Remember.

  • What are the responsibilities of the student?

    Students should follow all the necessary steps found in the class schedule online at http://www.uvu.edu/schedule/ for successful admission and registration.

    • Students should print a copy of their tuition amount to present to their sponsoring agency.
    • Students should check at the Bursar's window after registering and prior to payment deadlines to make sure that the necessary sponsor paperwork and/or payment has been received and processed. (Note: UVU will not be responsible for reinstating classes that have been dropped because the authorization/payments did not arrive at the school on time!)
    • Students should check at the Bursar's window whenever a class change is made to make sure any differing amount in tuition that may occur with a class change is covered. (This will prevent the student from receiving bills at a later date.)
    • Students who register late for classes should hand carry the voucher to the Bursar's window in BA 108 or have it faxed that same day to ensure that their classes are not purged.
    • Students should always check at the Bursar's window if there is a question about outstanding tuition and fees.
    • Students should remember that late fees do apply to all students, including those that are sponsored. Applicable late fees will be charged if authorizations do not arrive at the school on time.

    Note: Students should be aware that any balance remaining on their account (after the sponsor portion has been applied) is the student's responsibility and must be paid according to published deadlines, otherwise late fees may be applied and classes may be purged. Note: Students are encouraged to use the UVU Bookstore through the Textbook/Booklist link to price any books that may be covered by the sponsor.

  • What are the responsibilities of the Sponsor?

    The sponsor should ensure that the authorization arrives at the school in a timely manner.

    • The sponsor should make sure the authorization contains all necessary information and is clear in describing the terms of the authorization.
    • The sponsor may verify tuition amounts using the Tuition Table for the current semester.
    • The sponsor should ensure prompt payment of the invoice (within 30 days of receipt).
    • The sponsor will be held responsible for payment on authorizations submitted to UVU prior to student's termination from the sponsor's organization.
  • When will the Sponsor be invoiced?

    Sponsor billings are processed after second block classes begin and after all refund periods have expired. This date varies from year to year but usually falls in November for Fall semester, March for Spring semester, and July for Summer semester. Your invoice should reach you within that month.

    Remember that an Authorization of Payment guarantees the invoice payment regardless of the success or failure of the student in the class.

    Once invoices are prepared, authorizations for the current semester are considered closed. We then begin focusing on the next semester. If a student registers late, they must contact the Accounts Receivable department at (801) 863-8961 or (801) 863-5938 the same day of registration to reopen their authorization and finalize payment. This process may include a phone call to the sponsoring agency.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    What charges or fees cannot be billed to the Third Party Sponsor?

    In order for any charges to be billed out by UVU they must be assessed through our university student system. Any charges that are not billed through our student system will not be billed to the Third Party Sponsor.

    Why have late fees been added to my student bill?

    Your sponsor's letter of authorization was not received by the payment deadline. You did not pay your portion of the bill by the due date.

    How do Third Party Sponsors receive student schedules, transcripts or other student information?

    The Third Party Sponsor Student billing process involves billing and payment only. The student is responsible for providing their sponsor with any required student information that is outside the scope of billing and payment. The student is responsible for paying any processing fees related to their requests for university records.

    I qualify for military benefits. Is this considered a Third Party Sponsor?

    The actual payment that the school receives on your behalf will be processed as a Third Party Sponsor payment to your student account. You will need to follow the specific benefit program requirements, procedures and deadlines of each benefit program you qualify for.

    Is there any other information that may be helpful to a Third Party Sponsor?

    Utah Valley University's Federal Employer ID Number is 87-0280648.

    What does UVU require of students who receive funding from Third Party Sponsors?

    Students are required to access their myUVU account and UVU Outlook email to monitor their account balances. The student is responsible for knowing their sponsor's requirements to receive the funding and work directly with their sponsor to provide information required by their sponsor that is outside of the scope of billing and payment. The student is responsible for ensuring their sponsors authorization is on file by the payment deadlines to avoid late fees being assessed on their account and dropped classes. The student is responsible for paying any charges not paid by their sponsor.