


Sandbox is the opportunity for a select few to spend 18 credits and one year of their major doing college differently. Instead of textbooks, midterms, and final exams, you will just launch a real tech company. Learn more HERE about Sandbox. Be the first to know about the 2025-2026 cohort by signing up HERE.





Congratulations on finding the most impactful class you may ever be in! In ENTR 3180, you'll create your own  business with expert guidance. This 3 credit course is all about building a real business.

It's not an easy class and is for students willing to put in significant effort (minimum 12 hours/week outside of class). You'll develop and execute a business plan leading to paying customers by semester's end.
Grades are based on participation, effort, reflections, and presentations, not business performance. Ready to dive into building your business? Complete and submit THIS FORM for your desired section to apply for the class. There is currently a department hold to register, we will notify accepted students on a rolling basis, at which point your hold will be lifted and you can register for the class.



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