Bolder Way Forward for Utah

Interfaith Impact Team

Faith plays a pivotal role in shaping women's identities, whether through active participation in religious communities, personal spiritual practices, or deeply held values. As Utah women navigate the complexities of issues within their families and communities, we honor the diverse wisdom they offer and welcome the hope they bring. By fostering understanding amidst various perspectives through mutual learning and dialogue, we can support women of all faiths or beliefs.  As part of “Identity” on the Rim of the BWF Wheel of Change, this Impact Team is tasked with working with representatives of each spoke to ensure that every woman's beliefs (religious or otherwise) are considered in all aspects of A Bolder Way Forward.


Holly Burton

Holly Burton

Educator & Community Advocate
LinkedIn Profile

Holly Burton is a Creative Dance Specialist/Educator. She is actively involved in community initiatives. Holly believes in empowering women to find their voices within their faith communities and believes in the collective power of women across faiths to create positive change.

Community Advocate

Multiply Goodness



Lenée Fuelling

Lenée Fuelling

Writer & Managing Editor 
LinkedIn Profile

Lenée Fuelling is a Writer and Managing Editor for Multiply Goodness. Over the past several years, she has envisioned and helped facilitate women's interfaith events that create safe space for connection with the Divine and each other. 

Bold Vision

To make Utah a place where more girls and women can thrive, the Interfaith Impact Team leaders, affiliates, and partners are currently working to craft a bold vision. The bold vision will help guide the 18 areas of focus as they develop their bold goals, measure outcomes, create dashboards, and create momentum for additional changes.




Get Engaged: Are you and/or your organization interested in being involved in the Interfaith Impact Team? If so, contact Brie Sparks ( with details about you/your entity and the current or future efforts you believe are aligned with this work. Thank you for your interest!