Homeschool Students

Calling all homeschooled students! You have a place at UVU! With robust academic programming and great student life, you will quickly find a home here.

Apply Now

  • Applying here as a homeschool student is super easy. I was able to get scholarships based on my transcripts and ACT scores, and everyone was super helpful. UVU accepts students from any background, and you can definitely find a place here that fits your unique needs and situation. There’s lots of people who are willing to give you guidance on coming here to start your college journey, and they are here to make sure that you succeed. Joseph Lingwall Homeschool Student


To be admitted to UVU, homeschool students must submit a signed and notarized Affidavit of Completion of Homeschool form. The transcript portion should include a list of all secondary school courses the student successfully completed in a homeschool setting.

This notarized form can be sent to The Office of Admissions in one of the following ways:

  • Emailed to
  • Mailed to: UVU Admissions Office 800 W University Parkway Orem, Utah 84058
  • Hand delivered in a sealed envelope to the Office of Admissions in WB 128.

Download the Affidavit Form

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