To assist you in deciding which career in drafting and/or architecture you would like to pursue, we recommend referencing the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook.
This handbook is the government's premier career reference book on occupations and tomorrow's job market. For more than 50 years, this versatile volume has proven useful to both career counselors, students, and other job seekers.
Completely revised every 2 years, the Occupational Outlook Handbook is a comprehensive, up-to-date, and reliable source of career information. Useful for looking up information on particular occupations, or just browsing through possible careers, the Handbook profiles over 250 occupations that in 1998 accounted for over 120 million jobs: 6 out of every 7 jobs in the United States.
For each career, it describes work activities and environment, earnings, number of jobs and their location, and types of education, training, and personal qualifications needed to have the best prospects. BLS projections of employment to the year 2008 are used to assess what kind of job opportunities future entrants to each occupation should encounter.
On this site you can look up careers by their titles, "Drafters" for example. Then it will provide a report with the following tabs of information: Summary, What They Do, Work Environment, How to Become One, Pay, Job Outlook, Similar Occupations, and More Information.
If you would like a more regional report (within the state of Utah) on the career's job outlook and wage information, go to the Utah Department of Workforce Services' website:
The America's Job Bank computerized network allows job seekers to search through a database of over one million jobs nationwide, create and post a resume online, and set up an automated job search. For employers it provides rapid, national exposure for job openings.