Kay Larsen '24

Kay Larsen '24

From UVU to AFI Conservatory

Kay Larsen '24 inherited a love of film from his parents. After his father's passing, Kay realized, "If I was going to spend all my time and energy in school, I wanted to do something I loved." This led him to study film at Utah Valley University. This fall, he'll begin at the American Film Institute (AFI) Conservatory, the top film school in the country, where he'll pursue a Master of Fine Arts in screenwriting.

What Set Kay Apart

Kay's life experiences, including marriage and loss, gave him an edge as a slightly older applicant to AFI Conservatory. He credits his UVU professors for their invaluable help and encouragement. They assisted him in refining his application essays and workshopping short scripts, drawing from their grad school experiences.

In-class practice pitching and personal branding made his grad school interviews comfortable and familiar. The confidence instilled by his professors' belief in him empowered Kay to recognize his potential and apply to graduate school.

Advice to Fellow Students

Kay's advice is straightforward: "Take the compliments and encouragement to heart. Believe what people say and internalize it. At the end of the day, you're worth it." While this may sound simple, Kay found that despite encouragement from professors, friends, and family, his self-belief was crucial. Internalizing this support was key to his success.

Look through Kay's portfolio here.


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