UVU Aviation student selected for prestigious study abroad program at Cambridge

UVU Aviation student selected for prestigious study abroad program at Cambridge

UVU Aviation student Tyler Gehrig was selected for a study abroad program attending Cambridge University in either Pembroke or King's college. Congratulations Tyler!
We had the chance to ask him a few questions about it:
How does the program work?
"The study abroad program at Cambridge University is built to introduce undergraduates to the Cambridge lifestyle and the academic standards of a top tier university. I will be attending Cambridge in either Pembroke or King’s college over the course of 8 weeks studying three different courses."
What was the application & selection process like?
"The application process was relatively easy. I met with Gregory Jackson, UVU’s liaison for the program, to let him know that I was interested in the program and he provided insight on the opportunities of the program. Since Gregory is an alumni of the program he was very knowledgeable on exactly what the study abroad would entail. All that was required is an impeccable GPA and a solid letter of recommendation."
What do you hope to gain from this study abroad program?
"There are two things that I want to gain from studying at Cambridge: an amazing experience and credentials for applying to their masters program. The opportunity to study in England at the 4th oldest university is exhilarating because of the amount of history that has happened on their campus. For example, Charles Darwin attended Cambridge and went on to change their curriculum when he constructed the theory of evolution. Moreover, Cambridge is consistently ranked among top tier universities like Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. It is truly humbling to have this opportunity presented to me."