2018 Constitutional Symposium on Religious Liberty

The 25th Anniversary of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act

On April 12, 2018 we will be having our annual Constitutional Symposium on Religious Liberty. This year's topic is on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in honor of its 25th anniversary. Our keynote speaker is Hannah Clayson Smith, who is a religious liberty advocate that clerked for two Supreme Court Justices: Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas.

Schedule of Events

Panel 1 | "RFRA, History, and Legislative Process" 

  • Rodney K. Smith, Brandon Dabling, Ernest Istook
  • 9:00 am- 10:30 am | CB 510-511


G. Kevin Jones Religious Liberty Essay Contest Finalist Presentations & Awards

  • 10:45 am- 11:45 am | CB 510-511

VIP Luncheon and Keynote Speaker

  • Hannah Clayson Smith
  • 12:00 pm-1:30 pm | Bingham Gallery
  • This event will be broadcast to CB 510-11.

Panel 2 | "RFRA and the Law" 

  • Alexander Dushku and Frederick Gedicks
  • 1:45 pm- 3:00 pm | CB 510-511