UVU College of Engineering and Technology Five Year Plan

Last update:  2024.09.18

For the next five years (2024-2029), the Smith College of Engineering and Technology intends to increase student retention, completion, and enrollment and offer new programs of study essential to Utah industry and, therefore, our students. Our college has a  two-phase strategy of growth and sustainability: 


2024-2026: Expansion and Transformation 

  • Industry Focus: Many departments will prioritize growth through student retention, completion, and creation of new programs important to industry and students.   
  • Innovation and Restructuring: Several departments will undergo restructuring to realign their operations or launch new innovative academic programs.  


2027-2029: Sustainable Innovation 

  • Sustainment Mode: As departments and programs mature, the focus shifts to maintaining excellence while continuing to increase retention, completion, and meeting changing needs. 
  • Growth in Select Areas: While several departments enter a sustainment phase, select areas will continue to grow, primarily where departments have implemented successful restructuring or launched new programs. 
  • Program Sunsetting: While focusing on core strengths and industry needs, some programs will become less critical to student success and industry needs and will be sunset. 


The next five years reflect a balanced strategy of expansion and transformation. The early phase focuses on meeting industry needs, academic innovation, and structural changes, while the later years emphasize sustainment, refinement, and adjustments. By 2029, most departments will have stabilized with well-established programs, yet there will still be a need to continuously reevaluate and adjust to changing needs.