CET Student Advisory Board

The Student Advisory Board for the College of Engineering & Technology provides a unique opportunity for students to provide advice and recommendations on pressing student issues to the Dean of the College of Engineering & Technology. Each Student Representative also provides valuable input and perspectives at the departmental level.

SAB-CET members help influence decisions that directly influence the undergraduate experience by:

  • Providing feedback on initiatives.
  • Communicating with students within the college with an emphasis on their department.
  • Offering honest and direct feedback.

When Student Representatives perform services for the College of Engineering & Technology (CET), in addition to their UVUSA responsibilities, they will be reimbursed at a generous hourly rate.


SAB-CET's recommendations help influence services, structures, and practices that relate to student life in our college. The SAB-CET plays an integral role in both advising the Dean and Departments as well as in developing new initiatives. The College of Engineering & Technology is committed to student success and engagement and relies on students to help define goals, priorities and initiatives.  Please also see the UVUSA department representative responsibilities (pdf).

Student Representative Expectations

Student Representatives will, at a minimum:

  • Work to represent all students within their department and within the context of the college and campus environment.
  • Attend departmental meetings, unless specifically requested not to by the department chair. If a representative cannot attend a meeting due to scheduling conflicts, meeting minutes should be reviewed by the representative and a separately scheduled face-to-face meeting arranged with the Chair.
  • Participate in two departmental recruitment and outreach events as negotiated with the department (expected time commitment: 4 hours total).

Department Expectations

Departments will, at a minimum:

  • Invite their designated Student Representative to attend departmental meetings unless there are specific reasons for excluding them that are communicated to the Representative, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, and the CET Student Senator. If a Representative cannot attend the meeting due to scheduling conflicts, meeting minutes should be sent to the Representative and a separately scheduled touch-base meeting should be arranged with the Chair.
  • Negotiate two departmental recruitment and outreach events for the Student Representative to participate in as desired (expected time commitment: 4 hours total).
  • Treat the Student Representative with respect and work cooperatively with the Student Advisory Board, bearing in mind that the Representative is the voice for the full departmental student body.
  • Develop means for the Student Representative to communicate with other students within the department.

Dean’s Office Expectations

The Dean’s Office will, at a minimum:

  • Meet monthly with the Student Senator as well as the Departmental Representatives, usually via the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.
  • Actively seek student input and feedback, where applicable, on college level initiatives, processes, and procedures that affect students as a whole.
  • Ensure Representatives, Departments, and the College are working to optimize the role of the Student Advisory Board.
  • Compensate Representatives at a generous rate for up to 20 hours per semester.

Student Representative Selection

Student Representatives are chosen via UVUSA and the College Senator, in cooperation with the Department Chair. The Department Chair has approval authority when a recommendation is made by the College Senator.

Student Representatives

The Student Advisory Board consists of all active Student Representatives within the College of Engineering & Technology, UVUSA Senator, and the College’s Associate Dean for Student Affairs. There will be a minimum of one representative from each department as well as one UVUSA Senator who will represent all of CET regardless of department. At times, individuals from across the University may attend meetings as invited guests.

2024-2025 CET student advisory board 

UVUSA CET Senator:  Emma Bauman

View full UVU Student Council (UVUSA)

Department representatives:  
Applied Engineering and Transportation Technologies Pending
Architecture and Engineering Design Pending
Aviation Science Pending
Computer Science Duke McFarland
Construction Technologies Pending
Culinary Arts Institute Pending
Digital Media Hunter Bastian
Electrical and Computer Engineering Pending
Information Systems and Technology Ashton Phillips
Mechanical and Civil Engineering Noah Olson
Technology Management and Mechatronics Pending



2023-2024 CET student advisory board 

Gavin Mclaren UVUSA CET Senator

Kenzie Womack VP of Academics Senator

Department Representatives:     
Abbygayle Allred 10916282 Digital Media 
Mohamed Toure 10920551 Engineering
David Fernandez 10454484 Engineering
Marthina Cortes Rodriguez 10996371 Information Systems and Technology 
Brendon Ball 10880286 Computer Science 
Ben Linton 10871916 Computer Science 
Pending   Engineering Technology
Kierstyn Schaffran 10952497 Construction Management 
David Shelley 10072618 Integrated Studies 
Ryan VanderHeide 10860932 Architecture and Engineering Design 
Matt Jamison 10787094 Transportation Technology 
Pending   Aviation 
Tessa Conley 10991252 Culinary Arts 
Braxton Todd 10959448 Technology Management 

2022-2023 CET student advisory board

The advisory board for the 2022-23 academic year (by department):


Have Suggestions or Feedback?
