A Blog is Born

A Blog is Born

A Blog is Born

Welcome to CHSS Moves, UVU’s College of Humanities & Social Sciences’ new blog. Think of this as your go-to for everything happening in our college, as well as information related to your interests and degree. Highlights of students, faculty, and alumni; real stories from service learning and study abroad experiences; coverage of conferences and workshops; and guest posts are just a few of the things you can look forward to finding here.


Before we get started, we’d like you to know us a little better.


First, a definition:

CHSS [pronounced ‘ches’]: The acronym for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Those familiar with our college often employ the use of “CHSS” over “College of Humanities and Social Sciences,” primarily because it cuts a 13-syllable phrase down to one. Who doesn’t love brevity?


CHSS houses over 4600 students, seven departments, 27 majors, 19 minors, one certificate, and one master’s degree. Students with majors or emphases in Behavioral Science (Anthropology, Family Studies, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, or Substance Abuse Disorder Counseling), Communication (Speech Communication, Public Relations, or Journalism), English & Literature (Creative writing, Literary Studies, or Writing Studies), History, Political Science, Languages & Cultures (American Sign Language, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish), Philosophy, Humanities, or Integrated Studies (a combination of two degree specialties) are part of CHSS.


Why “CHSS Moves”? Let’s consider the game of chess. To many, playing chess is a lovely way to spend an afternoon with a friend; to others, it is a highly competitive sport; and still others see it almost as an art form, perhaps even an analogy to life. Like the game of chess, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences fills the needs of a diverse audience: Writers, philosophers, psychologists, public speakers, linguists, publicists, humanitarians, historians, political enthusiasts, and social advocates, to name just a few, call CHSS home. As in the game of chess, our students learn to strategically plan their next move as they work toward their career and life goals. And, as in life, we are all often moved by the things we experience. So make your move, and let CHSS move you.


We hope you’ll join us in the next game.

Fourth region (Section 1)

Headshot of Wilson the Wolverine

Questions? Ask Wilson