Deans Message

Deans Message

CHSS Monthly Message

This month I would like to highlight some of the training opportunities for CHSS faculty and staff that have been made available throughout this semester. In February, Dr. Janet Colvin, Dr. Stevie Munz, and Dr. Acacia Overoye held a unique instructional opportunity for RTP committee chairs and members of our college who are up for midterm or tenure review. During their presentation, attendees received helpful guidance, tips, and tools to help make the tenure process run smoothly. We thank these colleagues for their dedication to helping others through this process.

In March, there will be a special training session for members of the assessment committees, the strategic planning committees, and department chairs. This meeting, taught by Dr. Jessica Pauly, will focus on providing examples and guidance on integrating tools and assessments into departmental strategic plans. Finally, administrative assistants will be invited to attend a training and discussion meeting about marketing plans and social media in April.

As we look to start planning the training opportunities that will be made available to faculty and staff during the fall semester, we welcome and value your input. Please let us know what kinds of training you would like to see in the future and if there is anything on which you would be interested in presenting.

Headshot of Wilson the Wolverine

Questions? Ask Wilson