Body Farm 2022

Body Farm 2022

Forensic Science students visit the Forensic Anthropology Center in Tennessee

August 2022 -  Twelve (12) students from our Forensic Science program traveled to Tennessee for the 2nd Annual Forensic Anthropology Center (FAC) Engaged Learning Experience.  The FAC provides one of  a kind training on human decomposition and body recovery.  Students spent 3 days at the facility learning topics from biological profiles, pathology of injury, forensic entomology and so much more!  They had the opportunity to do a surface skeletal remains recovery as well.  During the trip, they also were able to tour the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Crime Laboratory and the Knoxville Regional Forensic Center.  It was a fantastic trip!  We hope to keep this as our annual tradition!

Some pictures of our learning:
Instructor teaching three female students Three forensic science students collaborating on an assignment.   female student holding a small vial with yellow liquid inside the vial.

two students collaborating on an assignment.  Two students conferring with each other.  

three students reviewing evidence.  three students reviewing notes.


For information on  the  Forensic Anthropology Center.