About the Program

Protect and serve the community.

UVU is a satellite academy of Utah Peace Officer Standard and Training (POST). Our mission is to provide professional law enforcement training using state-of-the-art learning models, advanced technology and public safety best practices to meet the needs of Utah’s law enforcement community and the citizens we serve. The UVU Academy employs many local police officers, attorneys,  and other specialists who are experience subject matter experts in specific areas: criminal law, defensive tactics, firearms, investigation, terrorism, and scenario based training (i.e., all critical skills).

Our current training officers hold ranks from officer through chiefs of police and demonstrate proper command presence and professional demeanor. Our program works diligently with each cadet to make their weakness into their strengths. Upon graduation, they have become certified to work as a police officer in any department in the state, investigator in state government, parole and probation, and / or any position requiring arrest powers.

Policeman talking into his radio

police academy, certificate of proficiency.

20 Credits to Graduate

Utah Valley University is a sanctioned provider of the Utah Law Enforcement Academy, the basic training program for certification of law enforcement officers. The academy is divided into two modules. The first, or core, provides training required for certification of special function officers and is foundational for law enforcement and correctional officers. The second module is required for certification as a reserve or law enforcement officer.

Instructor Spotlight

Lt. Kent Huntsman headshot

Lt. Kent Huntsman

Lt. Kent Huntsman is one of our lead instructors at UVU Police Academy. He has been with the Provo Police Department for 23 years and has taught at UVU for over 20 years. Huntsman is our instructor for Patrol Concepts, Civil Disputes, Patrol Tactics and teaches about the Crisis Intervention Team.  Huntsman has served on the Metro SWAT team for 21 years as an Operator, Team Leader, Sniper Team Leader and Team Commander.  Huntsman serves the Provo Police currently as a Motors Team Commander, Patrol Lieutenant and Department Firearms Training Coordinator and Instructor

Sgt. Dan Smith

Sgt. dan smith

Sgt. Dan Smith has worked 16-years as a police officer in Utah. He is the lead instructor over the Defensive Tactics and Physical Fitness blocks at the UVU police academy. He has been a Patrol Sargeant for three years, Senior Officer, over a decade as a Field Training Officer, FBI command college graduate, School Resource Officer, Supervisor over Gang Investigations, Patrolman, BJJ BLUE belt, C4CPJJ instructor and has 19 years of boxing experience.

In early 2006, he started teaching in the Defensive Tactics and Physical Fitness blocks for what was then the UVSC Police Academy where he was a graduate in Session 10.  Dan has been able to teach, train and coach with some of the greatest coaches locally and across the country for more than a decade. He has also trained in the areas of gangs, mental preparedness, healthy lifestyles, radio communications, law,  and instructor development. He is very proud to also be a part of the coaching cadre with C4CPJJ (code 4 combat police Jiu Jitsu). He took over as the Lead instructor of the PT and DT programs in early 2019. Dan leads the 12 member coaching staff that is comprised of men and woman from agencies across the state of Utah who are directly responsible in molding and training new police officers.

Lt. Shane N. Frederickson

Lt. shane n. frederickson

Lt. Shane N. Fredrickson is a lieutenant with the Wasatch County Sheriff’s Office with 29 years in law enforcement. He currently commands the Investigations Division in Wasatch County and leads a multi-jurisdictional SWAT team.  Lt. Fredrickson spent 24 years of his career working for the Orem Police Department and left that agency at the rank of lieutenant. While working for Orem PD, Lt. Fredrickson spent 17 years assigned to the Metro SWAT team and has been a SWAT instructor for the Countermeasures Tactical Institute for the past 11 years.  He has been a POST certified firearms instructor for 18 years and a UVU Law Enforcement Academy firearms instructor for 12 years.


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