

Passwordless Login

Your login process will be simplified and secured through the use of passwordless authentication. You can avoid repeatedly typing your username and password, and you'll even be able to skip the extra multi-factor authentication (MFA) step. You can choose one of several intuitive, flexible, passwordless options that will streamline your access to online university resources.
Learn more

Helpful Videos

Live Training

  • COMING SOON: Classroom technology will be updated to support YubiKey passwordless login. As soon as training on the latest classroom technology is available, we'll list it here.

Rollout Schedule

  • Students can begin using passwordless logins now!
  • Employees will be able to opt in beginning in mid-April.
  • All employees will be transitioned in July.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Check out our FAQs in the Service Catalog.

Getting Help

  • The UVU Service Desk is available to help you with all your passwordless login questions!

Future Plans

  • UVU and Microsoft are always working on improvements to simplify and secure our environment.  While we don't have anything to announce just yet, please watch this space for future announcements.