Nicholas Wilbur

Nick Wilbur

Teaching Lab Manager - Biology Lab

Office: SB-158

Phone: 801-863-5785

View Biology directory

Utah Valley University Seal.


I am the Teaching Lab Manager for Biology 1015 and 1615. I am also an adjunct instructor for Biology 1010 and 1620.

I have a Master's degree in Biology and Bachelor's degrees in Biology and Environmental Science. I've performed and published research in Biology Education with a focus on teaching Evolution in introductory and non-majors Biology courses. I have also taught and/or reformed Biology courses ranging from introductory level to senior level courses at 4 different post-secondary institutions and have a passion for engaged learning.

I have a passion for helping people and my primary interest in teaching is active engagement. I see myself as a guide, assisting students to find their path to success.