Scott Lewis

Faculty Member

Dr. Scott Lewis


Scott Lewis was born in American Fork, UT and grew up in Orem, Utah. At the age of 10 years old his family moved to Spanish Fork, UT. He graduated from Sp. Fork High school. He served a full time LDS mission in Brazil.
He attended Brigham Young University where he received an undergraduate degree and masters in mathematics. He spent a semester at was then UVCC as a adjunct before attending Montana State University to get a Ph.D. He then took a position at UVSC (Now UVU) Scott spent a year teaching at Lake Superior State University in Michigan during 2002-2003 and then returned back to UVU. He continues to teach at UVU and does research in Dynamical Systems when he has time


PhD, Montana State University, 2000

Major: Mathematics

MS, Brigham Young University, 1993

Major: Mathematics

BS, Brigham Young University, 1991

Major: mathematics



Cooperative Work Experience, Spring 2025

MATH 3200

Foundations of Analysis, Spring 2025


Lewis, Scott , Third Utah Dynamics Mini-Workshop, "One Dimensional Dynamics", Utah valley University in conjunction with University of Utah, UVU. (November 2, 2024)
Lewis, Scott , UVU Math Colloquium, "Dynamics of Thermoacoustic Resonators", UVU Math Department, UVU. (December, 2022)
Lewis, Scott , Spring Topology and Dynamics, " Exploring Dynamics in Thermoacoustic Coupled Resonators", Baylor University, Waco, TX. (March 10, 2022)
Lewis, Scott , MAA Sectional Conference, "The Collatz Problem", MAA, Online. ()
Lewis, Scott , UVU Math Colloquium, "The Collatz Problem", UVU Math Department, UVU. ()
Lewis, Scott , UMATYC, "Research and the 3x+1 Problem", AMATYC, Utah Valley University. ()