FIN 5210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2024
FIN 5300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Fall 2024
FIN 5210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2024
FIN 6210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2024
FIN 5300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Spring 2024
FIN 5210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2023
FIN 5300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Fall 2023
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2023
FIN 6210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2023
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2022
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Fall 2022
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2022
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Spring 2022
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2021
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Fall 2021
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2021
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Spring 2021
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2020
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Fall 2020
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2020
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Spring 2020
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2019
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Fall 2019
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2019
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Spring 2019
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2018
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Fall 2018
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2018
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Spring 2018
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2017
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Fall 2017
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2017
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Spring 2017
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2016
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Fall 2016
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2016
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Spring 2016
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2015
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Fall 2015
FIN 4800
Personal Financial Planning Capstone, Spring 2015
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Spring 2015
FIN 3220
Risk Management and Insurance, Spring 2015
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Spring 2015
FIN 4800
Personal Financial Planning Capstone, Fall 2014
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2014
FIN 1060
Personal Finance SS, Spring 2014
FIN 3220
Risk Management and Insurance, Spring 2014
FIN 3300
Tax Planning for Personal Financial Planners, Spring 2014
FIN 1060
Personal Finance SS, Fall 2013
FIN 3210
Retirement Planning, Fall 2013
2017 NAGDCA Retirement Quiz Bowl, 1st Place Winner
National Association for Government Defined Contribution Administrators (NAGDCA) - September, 2017Advised 4 member team of students in national quiz bowl competition, where they placed first overall, received $1,600 travel award, complimentary registration to the conference, and total $1,600 team cash award.
2015 National Financial Planning Challenge, 3rd Place Overall
Financial Planning Association - September, 2015Advised 3 member team of students in writing a 50 page comprehensive financial plan, oral presentation of recommendations in case, and knowledge bowl. Students placed 3rd overall in this national competition, received complimentary travel and registration to conference, and $2,000 scholarship donation to UVU.
AAFCS Outstanding Paper and Personal Finance/Consumer Economics Best Paper in 2014
Family and consumer Sciences Research Journal - June 15, 2015Ian Wilson Community Engagement Award, 2014-2015
UVU. Woodbury School of Business - May 1, 2015Award given annually to one faculty member within the Woodbury School of Business who has demonstrated an example of community engagement in teaching, research, and service.
2014 National Financial Planning Challenge, 2nd Place Overall
Financial Planning Association - September, 2014Advised 3 member team of students in writing a 50 page comprehensive financial plan, oral presentation of recommendations in case, and knowledge bowl. Students placed 2nd overall in this national competition, received complimentary travel and registration to conference, and $5,000 scholarship donation to UVU.
2013-2014 iOMe National Savings Challenge - Honorable Mention
iOMe - January, 2014Advised 5 students in writing 25 page essay on savings among Millennial generation and assisted them in developing video, which won an award and resulted in the students winning $2,000 and faculty $500.
2013 NAGDCA Retirement Quiz Bowl, 1st Place Winner
National Association for Government Defined Contribution Administrators (NAGDCA) - September, 2013Advised 4 member team of students in national quiz bowl competition, where they placed first overall, received complimentary registration to the conference and we awarded $200 each.
2014 NAGDCA Retirement Quiz Bowl, 1st Place Winner
National Association for Government Defined Contribution Administrators (NAGDCA) - September, 2013Advised 4 member team of students in national quiz bowl competition, where they placed first overall, received complimentary registration to the conference and we awarded $400 each.
2011-2012 National iOMe Challenge Winner
iOME Challenge - January, 2012$17,600 Total Award. Faculty Advisor to student team on essay and video "Savings Solutions for Today's Generations". $10,000 students, $2,000 faculty, all expense-paid trip for students and faculty to Washington D.C. to present to Congressmen ($5,600 value).
2010 ACCI Robert O. Herrmann Ph.D. Dissertation Award
American Council of Consumer Interests (ACCI) - April, 2010My dissertation "Three Essays on Financial Sophistication and Effective Decision Making" placed first place nationwide.
Smith, Hyrum L, (2013) "Book Review_ Mathematical Finance" (Issue: 3, vol. 41). Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal.
Huston, Sandra , Finke, Michael S, Smith, Hyrum L, (2012) "A financial sophistication proxy for the Survey of Consumer Finances" (vol. 19). Applied Economics Letters.
Smith, Hyrum L, Finke, Michael S, Huston, Sandra , (2012) "Financial Sophistication and Housing Leverage Among Older Households" (Issue: 3, vol. 33). Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
Smith, Hyrum L, Finke, Michael S, Huston, Sandra , (2012) "The Influence of Financial Sophistication and Financial Planners on Roth IRA Ownership. " (Issue: 6, vol. 66). Journal of Financial Services Professionals.
Smith, Hyrum L, Finke, Michael S, Huston, Sandra , (2011) "The impact of financial sophistication on adjustable rate mortgage ownership" (Issue: 2, vol. 22). Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning.
Smith, Hyrum L, (2011) "Factors associated with small business retirement plan ownership" . Academy of Financial Services (AFS) Proceedings.
Smith, Hyrum , (2011) "Who Benefits Most from 529 and Coverdell ESAs?" (vol. 57). Consumer Interests Annual.
Smith, Hyrum , (2010) "Does Financial Sophistication Impact the Effective Use of Back-Loaded IRAs?" . Academy of Financial Services (AFS) Proceedings.
Smith, Hyrum , (2010) "Proposal for a Lead Federal Financial Services Regulator and State Regulation of Financial Planners. " (vol. 56). Consumer Interests Annual.
Smith, Hyrum , (2009) "Who owns IRAs? Evidence from the 2004 Survey of Consumer Finances. " . Academy of Financial Services (AFS) Proceedings.