David Fearnley

Faculty Member

David Fearnley


Ph D, University of Oxford, 1998

Major: Mathematics

MS, Brigham Young University, 1996

Major: Mathematics

BS, Brigham Young University, 1994

Major: Mathematics


MATH 2210

Calculus III, Spring 2024

MATH 3200

Foundations of Analysis, Spring 2024

MATH 2270

Linear Algebra, Spring 2024

MATH 4999

Mathematics Capstone WE, Spring 2024


Fearnley, David , UMATYC 2022 Annual Conference, "Some Underused Calculus Strategies", UMATYC, Utah State University. (October 8, 2022)

Scholarly/Creative Works

Fearnley, David , "A Moore space with a \sigma-discrete \pi-base which cannot be densely embedded in any Moore space with the Baire property" (Issue: 10 (1999), vol. 127). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
Nada, Shokry , Fearnley, David , "An interesting space using the weak topology" . Rocky Mountain Journal.
Fearnley, David , Fearnley, Lawrence , "Embeddings into Moore spaces with the Baire property" . Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society.
Fearnley, David , Lamoreaux, Jack , Fearnley, Lawrence , "Every three-point set is zero dimensional" (Issue: 7, vol. 131). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
Fearnley, David , "Metrization of Moore spaces and abstract topological manifolds" (Issue: 1997, vol. 56). Australia: Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society.
Fearnley, David , "Moore space completion remainders of Q" (Issue: 2000, vol. 25). Topology Proceedings.