Business Intelligence & Research Services Assistance (Data Request/Research Request)

For assistance with data requests or research (including surveys, focus groups, observational studies, sample provision, and consultation), complete the request form on the right.

IR offers assistance with research protocol development, including developing specific survey items that will effectively collect the required information. BIRS will also help determine the optimum size of the respondent pool based on statistical need, survey efficiency, and typical response rates.

Research that involves systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge, as opposed to providing data for institutional management, are human subjects research. BIRS does not conduct human subjects research without prior review by the UVU Institutional Review Board. Requirements and processes for IRB approval are available through the IRB web site. BIRS will provide assistance with developing human subjects research protocols as needed.

Survey Assistance

UVU student researchers may request a random sample of 300-500 student email addresses for UVU-sponsored projects (including class-assigned projects). For institutional, faculty, or other UVU-sponsored projects, large sample lists may be provided.

The request process has four steps:

  1. Submit an IRB application according to their guidelines.
  2. Read the BIRS sample request pamphlet. (Here is an email invitation example.)
  3. Fill out BIRS’s request form.
  4. After you receive IRB approval, forward your approval to