Faculty Late Add

There are Two Types of Late Add

Regular Late Adds (Phase 1)

The timelines vary for full semester class, block classes, etc. However, for an average full semester, regular late adds occur after the first week of classes (after waitlists have been turned off) and continue for approximately 7 school days.

Exact dates and deadlines for each semester are found on the Registrar site.

When approved, an electronic authorization is provided by the instructor to the student so they can register online. No more emailing back and forth with students and advisors!

Required Approvals:

  • Only instructor approval is required.


  • In addition to regular tuition and fees, a $45 per-course, late-add fee is assessed automatically when the student registers.
🚩 See the new Course Section Authorization Tool in myUVU!

Exceptions to Late Add (Phase 2)

Exceptions to late add occur after regular late adds and are available until the last day of the class. These are currently processed on a paper form.

Required Approvals:

  • Instructor Signature
  • Department Chair Signature


  • In addition to regular tuition and fees, a $45 per-course, late-add fee is assessed automatically when the student registers.

Regular Late Add - Phase 1

Regular Late Add - Phase 1

For the Course Section Authorization Tool. Videos included!

What are the Rules and Limits?
  1. Late add standards vary by department, and faculty must adhere to departmental standards. Check with your department chair if you are unsure of your department's rules and limits.
  2. This tool does not:
    • Override prerequisite requirements;
    • Override the enrollment cap;
    • Automatically register the student;
    • or Reserve a seat for the student.
How to Submit Late Add Approval (Video!)
  1. Go to https://my.uvu.edu/workplace/faculty/my_classes/
  2. Select Course Section Authorization Tool under the 'Current Teaching' section.
  3. Choose a section.
  4. Search by Student ID or Student Name and give your approval!

How to Review Previously-Submitted Approvals (Video!)
  1. Go to https://my.uvu.edu/workplace/faculty/my_classes/
  2. Select Course Section Authorization Tool under the 'Current Teaching' section.
  3. Choose a section.
  4. Select Review Submitted Approvals.

NOTE: An 'RW' or 'RE' in the Status column means the student has registered. If the column is blank, the student has not yet registered.

How to Rescind a Late Add Approval

The current version of this tool does not have that capability, though it will be available in a future release. Please send a request to registration@uvu.edu to rescind your approval.

What do the terms "Available", "Future", and "Expired" at the top of the cards mean?
  • Available - This means the section is available for you to provide your authorization to a student. See the date ranges at the bottom of the card.
  • Future - This means that you are not yet able to provide your authorization to a student. See the date ranges at the bottom of the card.
  • Expired - This means the availability to provide your authorization to a student has already passed and the normal late add period is over. Remember: normal late adds can only be done for a limited time. See the date ranges at the bottom of the card.
What does "None of your sections currently require late add or departmental approval" mean?

This means one of two things:

  1. The late add period has not begun yet, so no authorizations can be granted (common). See the Registrar's Dates and Deadlines page.
  2. You are not assigned to any sections. Check with your department chair (not common).
Provide Feedback

To provide your experience and feedback using the Course Section Authorization Tool, please complete the feedback form - it is very short and easy!

Provide Feedback!

Exceptions to Late Add - Phase 2

Please note: This PAPER process is not ideal. Efforts are underway to streamline and improve the exceptions process!

Exceptions Process

  1. The student obtains the paper Late Registration Exception Form from their academic advisor.
    • The student completes the form and signs it.
  2. The student obtains the signature (or an email) from the instructor granting approval.
  3. The student returns the form to the academic department.
  4. The department chair signs and stamps the form.
  5. The form is returned to the Registrar's Office for processing.
  6. The Registrar's Office notifies the student when the course has been added.


The Registrar's Office will override the Late Add (Special Approval) requirement in the system if all signatures are in place, but will not override prerequisites, course caps, major/program restrictions, etc. Advisors must enter those overrides through Banner services.

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