Applications are open from September 1st to March 8th, for funding consideration for the current academic year. Applications received between March 9 and April 15 will be considered for funding in the upcoming academic year to fund on July 1 and allow for work from July 1 through the full academic year. Applications are closed between April 16 and August 30 of each year. 

Applications are considered as long as funds are available. 


Available Funding Opportunities for Faculty

Before filling out your application please see the Tips and Tricks Section at the bottom of this page.


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GEL 2 YR Grant (applications are currently closed, funds have all been awarded for the year)

Provides Proof of Concept funds for Engaged Learning Projects 

The purpose of the GEL program is to support projects that enrich the academic or UVU community in a broad and enduring way. The purpose of the GEL Grant program is to provide these projects start up funding to gain the necessary data to prove the viability for seeking other sources of long term financial support. All GEL grants should in some way involve students in the research/inquiry component of the project to provide experience working within the related discipline outside of the classroom.

Up to Three (3)- 2 Year GEL Grants will be awarded in the Summer each year. This is to allow the awardee's the maximum amount of time to utilize awarded funding. Two year grant applications will only be accepted beginning in April each year.

Grants are funded for two years, $15,000 per year and require a mid-term report prior to second year funding with a final report at the end of the two years, see FAQ page for applicable forms. (Please note that unused funds do not roll over to the next year. Any unused funds at the end of the academic year will be swept by the budget office and budgets will reset for year two with unused second year funds being swept at the end of the second academic year.) The purpose of these grants is to prepare the background and data collection for external funding after the two years. 

Grants are not meant to be a long term funding solution. At the start of each grant, each awardee should initiate the search for long term funding to support the project on an ongoing basis after the completion of the award.

Application Timing

Applications may be submitted beginning March 9, through April 15 each year, with notifications in May of each year. (These awards will be funded July 1, of each year and are for the upcoming academic year).


Apply for GEL 2 Year Grant

**GEL funding is not intended to be ongoing support beyond the start up phase of a project. **

**Awardee's are limited to one GEL 2 year in an academic year and cannot have more than one running at the same time.**

**Awardee's receiving a GEL 2 year grant are required to have a year waiting period between awards, starting at the completion of the award year.**

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GEL 1 Year

One time projects with high potential impact.

The purpose of the GEL program is to support projects that enrich the academic or UVU community in a broad and enduring way. The purpose of the GEL Grant program is to provide these projects start up funding to gain the necessary data to prove the viability for seeking other sources of long term financial support. All GEL grants should in some way involve students in the research/inquiry component of the project to provide experience working within the related discipline outside of the classroom.

GEL Grants are only open to UVU Faculty and Full-time Staff, Adjuncts may act as a Co-PI, (Not eligible are: Lecturers, Visiting Professors, Professionals in Residence, Part-time Staff, Students, Community member partners, or Members from other Universities)

In the spirit of Carnegie Foundation designation, GEL projects should be designed to help realize the two engagement categories that UVU has achieved:

Curricular Engagement

Curricular Engagement describes the teaching, learning, and scholarship that engages faculty, students, and community in mutually beneficial and respectful collaboration. Their interactions address community identified needs, deepen students' civic and academic learning, enhance community well-being, and enrich the scholarship of the 2015 Carnegie Elective Community.

Outreach and Partnerships

Outreach and Partnerships describe two different but related approaches to community engagement. The first focuses on the application and provision of institutional resources for community use with benefits to both campus and community. The latter focuses on collaborative interactions with community and related scholarship for the mutually beneficial exchange, exploration, and application of knowledge, information, and resources (research, capacity building, economic development, etc.)

One Year GEL Grants Fund projects up to $10,000 for one academic year, that are one-time, but have a high potential impact. These are once in a life time funded projects. They also should be aiming at engaged learning.

Grants are not meant to be a long term funding solution. At the start of each grant, each awardee should initiate the search for long term funding to support the project on an ongoing basis after the completion of the award.

You are required to use the approved budget spreadsheet and attach it to your application to be considered for funding.

Application Timing:

Applications are open September 1. Applications are awarded based on availability of funds, for current year funding. 

Applications close on March 8 of each year for current year funding.  



**GEL funding is not intended to be ongoing support of a project, or the sole source of repeated yearly activities. **

**Awardee's are limited to one GEL 1 year in an academic year and cannot have more than one running at the same time.**

**Awardee's receiving a GEL 1 year grant are required to have a year waiting period between awards, starting at the completion of the award year.**

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GEL Quick Travel and Gap funding

One time funding to supplement travel funding or fill a gap in funding needs on small projects.

Quick Grants are distributed on a rolling basis and can be requested all year beginning September 1st, through May 30th, based on availability of funds. The maximum award is $3,500.

Projects should have a student engagement component as well as adhering to the allowable expenses for GEL Grants guidelines. 

Quick grants are not meant to fund activities that are repeated on an ongoing basis, but rather a quick solution to a one time funding gap. Permanent funding solutions should be identified, to support proven activities, beyond the grant period.

You are required to use the approved budget spreadsheet and attach it to your application to be considered for funding.

Applications are reviewed as they are submitted.

Application Timing:

Applications open September 1, 2024 and awarded based on availability of funds. 

Applications close on March 8 of each year. 


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Dissemination Grant

Funding to help support the cost of presenting project outcomes.

Research and creative activity outcomes can be shared with a larger audience through a number of dissemination activities, such as conferences, exhibitions and performances. This internal grant supports the cost of presenting at a variety of events.

Eligibility: tenure and tenure track faculty to present at dissemination activities. Priority consideration given to projects previously funded by the Undergraduate Research and Creative Works office.

The maximum amount of award is $2,000 and require department fund contribution. Grant funds may be used from September 1 through June 30 of each academic year. 

Applications require the following:

  • Name/Title of the dissemination activity/conference
  • Location of the activity, to include specific city and country
  • Dates of the dissemination activity
  • Website link to dissemination activity
  • Attached dissemination activity acceptance
  • Role of Applicant, Significance of the Dissemination Activity, and Expected Outcomes of the Activity 
  • Justifiable Budget on required budget spreadsheet along with budget summary

Applications open September 1, 2024 and awarded based on availability of funds. 

Applications close on March 8 of each year. 


APPLY FOR Dissemination GRANT


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Juntos Grant (all 2 year grant funds have been awarded, only 1 year grants available)


Projects focused on specific areas of study

The Juntos (spanish for "together") Grant is a new multifaceted grant aimed at supporting projects that address important societal issues by focusing on one of seven specific areas of study.

  • Civil Discourse - Projects aim to foster constructive and respectful conversations on critical issues affecting society. 
  • Equity - Projects seek to address the equity faced by all populations.
  • Refugee Affairs - Projects can focus on unique challenges and opportunities.
  • Health and Wellness Access - Projects focus on disparities, access and quality of.
  • Economic Justice - Projects may work to create a more equitable economic system through identifying needs and resolutions.
  • LGBTQIA+ - Projects will advocate for the rights and well-being of all.
  • Cultural Influences - Projects may focus on celebrating, preserving and educating 

By providing financial support to diverse projects in these areas, the grant seeks to foster positive change, empower marginalized communities and promote understanding, empathy, and respect among all individuals.

Grants may be requested for One year with a budget up to $10,000.00 or Two years with a budget up to $15,000 each year for two years. 

Application Timing:

Applications open September 1, 2024  and awarded based on availability of funds. 

Applications submitted between March 9, and April 15 each year, will be considered for award for funding in the upcoming academic year, with notifications in May of each year. (These awards will be funded July 1, of each year and are for the upcoming academic year).

Applications close on March 8 of each year and will reopen on September 1 of the new academic year for current year funding. 


Grants are not meant to be a long term funding solution. At the start of each grant, each awardee should initiate the search for long term funding to support the project on an ongoing basis after the completion of the award.


Apply for Juntos Grant

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Faculty Led Student Professional Experiences meant to encourage persistence and graduation

The Faculty Led SPE's are awarded to faculty seeking to provide exposure, ignite excitement and growth, and encourage deeper interest for students within their chosen discipline, providing students with a taste of what their chosen discipline offers for their future. These experiences may include discipline specific conference attendance and/or participation, performances, hands on learning or job shadowing, etc. Providing these opportunities leads to a deeper connection to persistence and completion and solid career paths.

  • Awards are a one time only award. By providing the opportunity to show the impact of these types of experiences with a one-time award, the hope is to have applicant's find permanent funding to imbed these in the curriculum. 
  • Applications are to support students in their first 60 credits, inspiring them to persist in their chosen career path.
  • Funding may be used to engage entire classes in a high impact experience. Grants are meant to serve as proof of concept events to provide data for long term funding requests.  (see Rubric).
  • Matching funds are encouraged and, in most cases necessary, with some coming from the students themselves.
  • Applications show a detailed outline of experience hours and the proposed impact on students.
  • Applications will include a follow up assessment component. May include research proposals, IRB proposals, write-ups etc.
  • Follow up activities and providing dissemination opportunities will be included in all applications.

Budget Guidelines

  • Award monies may be requested up to $500 per student with a maximum award of $10,000, and used to supplement student registration costs consistent with university policy and federal and state law.
  • The award may not be used to buy computer equipment as this is the responsibility of individual departments.
  • Expenses will be processed through college or school financial managers.
  • Funds are not intended to supplement ongoing curriculum, yearly repeated projects or student research. These funds will not carry over to the next academic year. Any unused funds will be swept by the budget office.

Application Timing:

Applications open September 1, 2024  and awarded based on availability of funds. 

Applications submitted between March 9, and April 15 each year, will be considered for award for funding in the upcoming academic year, with notifications in May of each year. (These awards will be funded July 1, of each year and are for the upcoming academic year).

Applications close on March 8 of each year and will reopen on September 1 of the new academic year for current year funding. 

Apply for FLSPE

How to Apply

  1. All applications will be submitted via the ZEngine platform.
  2. You will want to download a blank budget request form to develop your proposal.
  3. You are required to meet with your Deans Financial Manager to review your completed budget request form for approval, prior to submitting your application. Financial managers will not sign your application if you do not complete this step.
  4. Have the following names and email addresses to begin your application: Department Chair and the college you are in. Selecting your college, ie: College of Science, School of the Arts, etc. will auto populate your Dean and Financial Managers information for signatures.
  5. Select the link to begin your application. It is your responsibility to make sure your application is complete and obtains all required signatures. You can access it at anytime in your ZEngine account. Incomplete or unsigned applications will not be considered for award.

Apply for Funding

Learn More

Tips and suggestions on Preparing Your Proposal

Based on observations from the committee after reviewing numerous proposals the following tips, suggestions and hints have been outlined to help you prepare your grant application proposal:

  1. Detailed clarification on each item in the budget. For example, state clearly how many RA students are involved, for how many hours, and for how long.
  2. Number of students involved: Please do not put large numbers of students (ie: 100 freshmen, 250 juniors, etc) in the proposal without clearly justifying their roles and responsibilities.
  3. Clearly state what is the exact role and responsibility of each involved student throughout all stages of the proposal.
  4. If you are requesting a budget for equipment over $1000, please include the quote for it. Show that you have done thorough research on the equipment from different vendors and identify why this exact equipment is needed and what differentiates it from other vendors/products. Clearly show why this equipment is needed and other all ready available equipment is not sufficient for the project needs.
  5. If you are requesting a budget for equipment, state how the equipment will be used in the project, how it will be maintained, and how it be used even after wrapping up the project. Also, please indicate where this equipment will be located (which lab, etc).
  6. When it comes to the evaluation and analysis method, please indicate clearly what software will be used (if any), what metrics will be used for the evaluation, how you measure the success, and what outcomes you expect to obtain. Too often many proposals indicate the use of software without any further description.
  7. The title of the project should completely cover the project. For example, recently the usage of words such as AI are in the proposal titles, without actually seeing the implementation or application of AI in the proposed project.
  8. Sustainability is yet another important aspect of the GEL projects. Please clearly state how you plan to make the project outcomes sustainable. How will the project continue past the end of the grant funding.
  9. Number of communities affected? Please state in the proposal why you consider …# of communities will be affected by the proposed project outcomes.
  10. Travel cost: Please clearly indicate in the proposal how much you are asking for the travel cost (if any) and why it is a reasonable asking budget. If the travel is necessary, consider if it is appropriate for multiple faculty and students need travel. Also consider the use of other funding for faculty if possible to increase the number of students whose travel can be supplemented.
  11. Please explain in detail how the project timeline is laid out and what you expect to gain in each phase of the project.


Proposals will be reviewed on three broad themes:

  1. How does the project enhance UVU student learning?
  2. What is the educational experience in the community - how does it benefit the targeted community?
  3. How does the project strengthen programming beyond the students involved?

In addition, proposals will be judged on budget, overall proposal strength, and quality of writing.