Word of the Week


greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation (adjective) (ig-zawr-bi-tuh nt)

"Americans have the most exorbitant diet of all countries."

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WSB Writing Lab Instructions

For face-to-face appointments, go to uvu.mywconline.net and create an account or log in.

  1. Choose WSB Writing Lab from the schedule list. 
  2. Enter your preferred appointment date and preferred appointment time.
  3. Click “Find Appointments.”
  4. Click “Reserve” for your preferred appointment.
  5. Enter the required information. 
  6. Show up with your draft completed. 


For an online, asynchronous appointment, go to uvu.mywconline.net and create an account or log in. 

  1. Choose the Online WSB Writing Lab from the “Schedules” drop-down menu.
  2. Enter your preferred appointment date and preferred appointment time.
  3. Click “Find Appointments.”
  4. Click “Reserve” for your preferred appointment.
  5. Fill out the pop-up form.
  6. Add any information specific to your course or needs (e.g., session number, group number or name, etc.).
  7. Upload your draft—in Microsoft Word or PDF
  8. Click "Create Appointment."
  9. Check your email. Your tutored document will be returned as an attachment within 48 business hours of the appointment date.


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Hours of Operation

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and all national, state, and UVU holidays.

Fall and Spring Hours

Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Summer Hours

Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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