No matter where life has taken you, you will always have a place at UVU. Whether you are looking to come back after a break, attending college for the first time, looking for a new promotion, or want to set an example for your kids, UVU is here to help you succeed.
29% of UVU students are adult learners (age 25+)
14% of UVU students support at least one child
82% of UVU students
are employed
“Utah Valley University is a wonderfully diverse and vibrant campus full of gritty, passionate people like me — people who are looking for a second chance at an education.”
“When I wanted to quit, I had six little eyes looking at me. I finished because of them. I couldn’t quit. I may have wanted to, but I couldn’t quit.”
“But just being in a career where I can use my writing talents would be exceptional compared to what I have done before. And so, in the fall of 2019, I became a 33-year-old freshman.”
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