Administrator of the Year Form

Award Guidelines/Form 2017

Please submit your nominations by Friday, April 21, 2017.


Advisement Administrator- Individuals whose primary role at the institution is an administrator over support, specialty, or academic advisor(s): (Department Chairs, Deans, Associate/Assistant Deans, Directors of Enrollment Management, Financial Aid, Student Services, Concurrent Enrollment, etc.)


  1. Any individual who is serving in an advisement Administrator role.
  2. Previous Advisement Administrator Award winners may be considered, if a minimum of five years has passed since receiving the original award.

The Selection Committee will evaluate nominations on the evidence of qualities and practices that distinguish the nominee as an outstanding support role for academic advising.

A summary of the nominee's qualifications.

Nominations must contain adequate factual or narrative material that describes the extent to which an individual meets the awards criteria. Include the following items and use objective data to support the nomination.


In an effort to provide the highest level of service and support to students, advisors must be sensitive to and value the background and perspectives of each student. With this in mind, please give specific examples of how the nominee meets criteria such as the following.

  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Caring, helpful attitude
  • Availability to advisors, faculty, staff or students
  • Support of personalized, seamless and intentional advising


Advising is a process that encourages students to become engaged in their education and includes the delivery of accurate and current information. This is accomplished by maintaining a relationship with campus services so they can connect students with appropriate resources. With this in mind, please give specific examples of how the nominee meets criteria such as the following.

  • Appropriate service to referrals from advisors
  • Use and dissemination of appropriate information sources
  • Mastery of institutional regulations, policies, and procedures
  • Participation in and support of staff/advisor development programs


A key element of the advising process is the advisor-student relationship. Advising is a teaching and learning process and Advisors play a significant part in the University’s mission of educating students. There are several organizations and opportunities available for advisors to stay abreast of best practices in advisement, the academic discipline and Higher Education in general. With these things in mind, please give specific examples of how the nominee meets criteria such as the following.

  • Evidence of supporting UVU´s Core Themes and NACADA´s Core Values
  • Perception by colleagues of nominee´s advisement administrator skills

Student Success

The very purpose of advisors is to help students reach their educational and life goals. As an advisor works toward being inclusive, engaged and serious, the natural outcome should be student success. With this in mind, please give specific examples of how the nominee meets criteria such as the following.

  • Evidence that the support program(s) offered reflects the standards of good advising practice
  • Monitoring of advisor progress toward academic and career goals
  • Ability to promote, and support developmental advising



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Thank you for submitting an advising award nomination. 

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