Other Information & Data

Key indicators and institutional data:

Operational Data

We also provide operational data or reports. Operational Reporting is any information or data provided to internal stakeholders that assists them in making day-to-day decisions related to the operation of their area of responsibility. You can find this information in various systems at this time. They are listed below.

myUVU Portal

UVU's business intelligence committees and staff are working to place existing data sources and new development of reports and visualizations in this portal. To access it, please login to myUVU and click on the "Employee" menu. Then click on "Data, Reports, & Analytics" near the bottom of the menu. Search for a topic to find available reports and visualizations.

Business Objects Server

Many operational reports can be scheduled and accessed on this server. Some examples are enrollment summaries and lists of students, faculty workload detail for departments and colleges, class scheduling information, curriculum data, and advisor reports. If you are a UVU employee, and would like to have access to this information, please have your supervisor contact us.

Ad Hoc Report Requests

Call us if you need help navigating any of UVU’s reporting resources. If you have a specific report request that isn’t already available, please submit a request through our UVU Service Center. Our team members can be included on your request form:

Bryan Cowley: Course Evaluation (SRI) and Faculty Portfolio data

Kari Gary: Student Success systems data

Laura Busby: Faculty workload, space utilization and all other operational data.

Data Custodian:

Laura Busby
Director, Business Intelligence Services

Data Steward:

Kathren Brown, Ph.D.
Deputy Provost for Academic Administration