SRI Questions Preview

The following is a look at the SRI survey as seen by students. This page is only a mock up of the survey and does not actually work or send information.

Instructor/Course Evaluation

Purpose: The information from this survey, along with other types of instructor evaluation, is used in an instructor's retention, tenure, and promotion process. Survey results will be given to the instructor only AFTER grades have been submitted. You will not be identified. When you have finished responding to the survey questions, please click the submission link at the bottom of the survey.

Student Experience

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

1. I completed my course assignments on time.

2. I prepared for class in advance for each day's course activities.

3. I attempted to contact the instructor when I needed help.

Overall Evaluation

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

4. I learned more about the subject as a result of taking this class.

5. The instructor helped me understand why this subject is important.

6. I learned how this subject can be used to address issues outside of the classroom.

7. This class challenged me to think in new ways.

8. I developed one or more essential skills as a result of this class (e.g., oral communication, reasoning with data, understanding diversity, working with others, or writing.)

Instructor Evaluation

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

9. The instructor was consistently prepared for class.

10. The instructor responded respectfully to student input or questions.

11. The instructor provided feedback that helped me to learn.

12. The instructor was available to me if I needed help.

13. The instructor was clear about her/his expectations of my performance.

14. The instructor was enthusiastic about the subject.

15. The instructor helped me understand how to succeed in her/his class.

Open ended questions

16. What helped your learning the most in this class?

17. What suggestions do you have to improve this class?

Teaching Approach

The following questions are not used for retention, tenure and promotion decisions. They are used for the university to better understand the current level of student engagement in other areas.


Not Applicable

18. Did you work collaboratively (e.g., teams, pairs, peer groups) for much of the class?

19. Did you connect what you were learning in class to local, national, or global community through an internship, service learning, a field experience, or other activity?

20. Did you participate in any campus or community events as part of a requirement for this class (e.g., speakers, field trips, conferences, on campus events)?