The Digital Transformation Division Newsletter - June 2022

The Digital Transformation Division Newsletter - June 2022

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The Half-Time Livestream has been going strong since Jan. 8, 2020, bringing everyone in Dx together for the chance to:
  • Ask questions directly and get them answered
  • Hear up-to-date news about projects, changes, events, and more
  • Recognize team members for their great accomplishments
  • Ponder the quote of the week
  • Learn the stat of the week
  • Laugh at the plentiful dad jokes
To participate, tune in every Wednesday at 11:45 AM on the Half-Time Channel on the OIT - Public team in Teams. It's 15 minutes you won't get back, but hopefully, you won't want them back!



The Dx Team Recognition Award is a way to recognize our colleagues in Dx for their hard work and accomplishments. Recognized during our Half-Time live-stream each Wednesday at 11:45 AM, a deserving nominee will also receive an award certificate and two movie vouchers. 

To nominate someone, fill out this form or navigate to the OIT - Public team in Teams, enter the Half-Time channel, and select the Team Recognition tab from the top menu. Remember, nominations must be submitted by 5:00 PM on Tuesday to be eligible for the following Wednesday's Half-Time.


Have you seen a UVU staff member offering exceptional service or giving an exemplary performance? Remember to nominate them for the Wolverine Sighting Employee Recognition Award! The Wolverine Sighting Award is an employee recognition award sponsored by PACE. Nominees must be full- or part-time UVU staff employees, but there is no minimum requirement for years of employment and nominations are accepted year-round.


The UVU Goodwill Association sends get-well wishes to UVU employees with the primary goal of enhancing employee relations by maintaining a caring atmosphere at Utah Valley University. Membership dues are used for the following:
  • Sending get-well floral baskets for hospital stays greater than 3 days (typically for life-threatening illnesses). 
  • Sending bereavement floral baskets to employees who have lost a mother, father, child, in-law, or spouse. 
Do you know any employees needing goodwill? Please refer them by following this link. For more information about joining UVU's Goodwill Association, check out their page.

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Spring and butterfly.
Dx will be holding another Dx All-Hands Meeting on Tuesday, June 7. The buffet lunch will start at 11:30 AM, and will be followed by a live Half-Time at 11:45 AM to address several agenda items affecting all Dx employees. The meeting will be streamed and recorded using this Half-Time meeting link, however, everyone is encouraged to attend in-person.
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June 14, 2022 is National Flag Day in the United States. The holiday commemorates the date in 1777 when the Second Continental Congress of the United States approved the design for its first national flag.
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Confetti falling on graduates.
This year, Father's Day falls on Sunday, June 19. Be sure to show your appreciation with these ideas for Father's Day activities.
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A mother and daughter.
June 19 is now officially Juneteenth National Independence Day, a US federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. Additionally, UVU is observing Monday, June 20, as a holiday for everyone at the university.
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Airforce display.
On Friday, June 24, First Block finals will be held at UVU.
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A flag planted in the ground.
On Monday, June 27, Second Block classes will begin at UVU.
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The PACE Transition Lunch will be held on Tuesday, June 28, from 12:00 AM - 2:00 PM. If you are interested, check for additional information. 

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Christina Baum, VP of Digital Transformation




Brett McKeachnie, Senior Director of Product Portfolio Management

If I had to pick a personal theme song, it would be 
I'm in a Hurry (And Don't Know Why) by Alabama. The chorus goes as follows:

"I'm in a hurry to get things done

Oh, I rush and rush until life's no fun

All I really gotta do is live and die

Even I'm in a hurry and don't know why."

Work has been very demanding for the past (enter your number here) years. Life outside of work can also be demanding. Some of us have growing families, aging parents, responsibilities in the community or church—and is it just me, or does it feel like everything (like shopping, driving anywhere, paying bills, etc.) takes longer than it should these days?

With such high demands on our time and attention, it's easy to forget to take care of ourselves. For instance, I have been trying to focus more on self-care because I know I'm prone to burnout and overwhelm. As I evaluated the level of care I've taken for myself, I was shocked at how poorly I have done in some areas, even despite my efforts. Maybe there are some non-type-A personalities out there who don't have trouble with this, but many people I talk to feel like I do: a little frazzled and burnt out after years of rushing, divisive politics, pushing toward goals, the pandemic, and just "life."

I think we all could stand to be better about giving ourselves a break. This article is about how we can (and should) take better care of ourselves. Here are some lists of ideas, in no particular order, of things you can do to refresh yourself. Pick your favorites, the ones that you think could be most helpful to you, and go with them. 

Multiple Times Daily

  • Take a couple of deep breaths and look away from your screen
  • Take a drink of water (actual water, not soda)
  • Stretch a little 
  • Eat a healthy snack 


  • Meditation (check out the Calm app or another similar app)
  • Get enough sleep (amount varies by person)
  • Take a walk outside and appreciate nature (find some nearby trees!)
  • Plan your day to prioritize the important things over the urgent ones
  • Listen to music (my favorite is calming music while at work and classic rock at home)


  • Exercise three to five days a week
  • Plan your week to prioritize what's important 
  • Get some social recreation 
  • Work on your favorite hobby 
  • Talk to a loved one you haven't seen in a while 
  • Do some professional or personal development training


  • Check on the progress of your goals
  • Get at least a day or two off of work


  • Review your goals to see if they are still in alignment with what's important to you
  • Do something social with your team (even if it's something quick)


  • Get at least one weeklong vacation from work
  • Set goals for self-care and plan for their completion


If you have an idea that you think would be a good addition to one of these lists, send it my way! Maybe I'll give it a try. 

I wish I could say I did all these things, but I don't. While doing more would be better for me, at least I do some of them—and I know they help. 

Note that I've written some ideas about setting and reviewing your goals and priorities. Remember, having goals and prioritizing your own well-being are critical parts of self-development and care.

It's just as Ferris Bueller says in my favorite movie of all time, Ferris Bueller's Day Off: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Let's not miss it! 



Geoff Matthews, Associate Director of Reporting and Data Management

Every April 1, Institutional Research provides preliminary graduation numbers for the Graduation, Marketing, and President’s offices.

These numbers are composed of students who graduated in the previous Summer and Fall terms, as well as those who have applied for graduation in the current Spring term.

For the 2021-2022 graduation year, there were 14,431 awards for 11,064 students.

  • 46% of these students are women
  • 4,129 of these awards are Bachelor degrees
  • 5% of these awards are STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) awards, with 78% going to men

The top 10 majors for this year are:



  1. University Studies
  2. General Education
  3. Humanities & Social Sciences
  4. Business Management
  5. Accounting
  6. Programmer
  7. Psychology
  8. Criminal Justice
  9. Information Systems & Technology
  10. Health
  1. Biology
  2. Computer Science
  3. Information Technology
  4. Information Systems/Technology
  5. Technology Management
  6. Web Design & Development
  7. Information Systems
  8. Mathematics
  9. Programmer
  10. Mechatronics Engineering

For comparison, in 2016-2017, there were 5,310 awards during this same time (3,110 were Bachelor degrees). 

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The following positions are available in Dx. Be sure to watch for upcoming opportunities in Dx. 
Is there an opening in your division or department that needs to be filled? Be sure to get it approved according to the Temporary Human Resources Guidelines. Once the position is open, get the word out by submitting it to Caitlin Tobler for next month’s newsletter.


No new employees were reported as being hired this month. However, we do have a new VP of Digital Transformation: Christina Baum! Be sure to extend your congratulations and support to her.