SWEET Mission/Goals

Society of Women Engineers National

"Largest advocate and catalyst for change for women in engineering and technology."

- www.SWE.org


Utah Valley University

“Educates every student for success in work and life through excellence in engaged teaching, services, and scholarship.”

- UVU Mission Statement


SWEET Mission

Build camaraderie among female engineering students, create opportunities to network and learn workplace skills, and expand the exposure and understanding of potential in STEM fields.

SWE Officers

Elzi Nielsen


Kayla Stately

Vice President

Linda Jensen

Tech Support

Heather Hyer


Amanda Bordelon

Faculty Advisor

Events SWEET Participated in 2018-2019

  • Kick-off Carnival (Oct 2018)
  • SWE National Conference in Minneapolis, MN (Oct 2018)
  • Empowering Your Tomorrow – high school boys recruitment event (Nov 2018)
  • Ice Cream Social (Nov 2018)
  • Expanding Your Horizons – high school girls recruitment event (Feb 2019)
  • UVU PREP summer camp (Jun 2019) – 7th graders recruitment event