e2i provides resources, including student wages, so you can build a portfolio of completed projects that demonstrate your abilities within your field of study, and professional skills like teamwork, communication, self-motivation, and creativity that employers seek.

Get Involved

Become an e2i team member

  • Earn at least $14.50/hour to contribute to a project.
  • All majors are encouraged to join.
  • Hours are variable and flexible.
  • Design thinking workshop training.
  • Opportunity to serve as the project leader.
  • Make connections to local businesses.


Propose your own project for Igniter Funds
(up to $5000)

Benefits include:

  • e2i student project managers will help you establish a budget and timeline.
  • We will recruit and hire a team that you will lead.
  • You will have access to a professional mentor specific to your project.
  • Your project manager will keep your team on track.
  • You retain 100% of your intellectual property.
  • Connections to the UVU’s Entrepreneurship Institute.

Igniter Funds

Become an e2i student project manager

  • Earn at least $14.50/hour to keep 1-4 e2i teams on track.
  • Hours are variable and flexible.
  • Requirement: some project management experience or a grade of B or better in TECH 3400.
  • Potential to earn Project Management Proficiency (PMP) Certification.
  • Opportunity to serve as the project leader


How It Works

  • After applying, we will contact you to complete a skills inventory.
  • We will contact you when we have a project that matches your skills and you will have the opportunity to join the team.
  • The team leader will direct the team, and connect with the project manager weekly to provide progress and budget updates.
  • Team members with specific skills may be brought on as needed throughout the project.
  • Wages will be provided until the project is completed or the funds are depleted ($5000/project). Funding will be cut-off if sufficient progress is not being made.