Danielle Hankins, IS Alumnus - Geographic Information Systems 2016

Quality Assurance Engineer Henry Schein, Inc.

How has your degree from UVU helped you in your current position?

"My degree from UVU has helped me obtain the skills needed for my current position. It has helped me engage the community through service by building solutions to solve problems, using applications and methods that are currently used in the industry. These experiences have directly impacted my transition into a real software development team, giving me an edge that many graduates do not have going into the field. I have been able to network with students, professors, and mentors and have been introduced to the broad range of career options in the field. The professors and mentors here stress continual learning, which is critical in my job. I would not be where I am today without these skills and opportunities given to me through UVU."

Industry view of UVU graduates

"Information Systems and Technology students from UVU are known to be well-rounded with in-class and real world experience. I believe this comes from UVU’s push for engaged learning and from the excellent internship program offered. This kind of knowledge is sought after in the industry because it helps students transition into their careers and be productive team members right from the start."

Advice for new students

"Say hi to the person sitting next to you in class, get to know your professors, and build on those relationships while in school. Learning how to communicate effectively and network will benefit every area of your life. Take advantage of the services the school has to offer. Talk to your counselors, do an internship, and get involved. Soak up every opportunity and enjoy every minute of it. It’s worth it!"