GradReports Ranks Utah Valley University #1 College in Utah for Alumni Earnings

According to a national ranking, donning Wolverine Green and graduating from Utah Valley University equates to more green in your pocket than any other college or university in the state.


According to a national ranking, donning Wolverine Green and graduating from Utah Valley University equates to more green in your pocket than any other college or university in the state.

GradReports ranked UVU No. 1 in all of Utah for alumni earnings or Salary Score for bachelor’s degrees. A high Salary Score indicates that alumni from that college tend to earn higher salaries than alumni with the same major from other colleges. 

Out of the nine eligible schools in the state, UVU came out on top with a salary score of 67.40. According to GradReports, salary scores are determined by comparing the median alumni salary for a specific program at one school to the median alumni salary for the same program at other schools. 

“The education I gained at UVU as a student set me leagues ahead of others in my field,” said Madelyne Van Hoff, a recent graduate. “The amount of opportunities and experience UVU provided me really set me apart and opened doors for me that I otherwise wouldn’t have had.”  

UVU not only placed first in the state of Utah, but its Salary Score is higher than the median for colleges across the United States. 

“UVU provides our students with many learning opportunities that develop career-ready skills, such as undergraduate research, internships, and community engagement programs,” said Wayne Vaught, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs. “These programs really help our students prepare for success post-graduation.”

In addition to a high Salary Score, UVU’s tuition costs are within the lowest three of the nine eligible schools. This contrast shows how UVU simultaneously offers its students an affordable education and high-paying job opportunities after graduation. 

To learn more about UVU’s Alumni Association, please visit the UVU Alumni page.