Degree Options

University Studies (UVST) B.A./B.S.

Do you want to design a degree to meet your specific goals?

The University Studies Bachelor in Arts/Science degree will provide you the opportunity to:

  • meet academic and professional objectives not addressed through existing degree programs
  • develop essential skills valued by employers and graduate schools
  • complete a structured yet customized set of upper-division courses
  • complete a capstone course or internship, which further prepares you for your chosen profession or graduate school admission.


University Studies (UVST) A.A./A.S.

Unsure of your emphasis? Start by getting your UVST associate’s degree. 

The University Studies Associate in Arts/Science degree will provide you the opportunity to:

  • meet General Education requirements
  • develop essential skills valued by employers 
  • explore career and major options, which further prepares you for your chosen profession