- 3 Mentor Meetings
- 1 Information Interview
- 50 Hours of Leadership
- This can be done in TECH 481R, 4910,497R, or by choosing your own project. If you
choose own project you will need to get approval from LEAD office.
- 6 Concept Cultivators
- 1 Leadership Course: TECH 200G
- StrengthsFinder Assessment
- Assignments
- Action planning Guides & Smart Goals (Strengths Finder): At the end of each month
submit a reflection on how you did with your action planning guides and SMART goals.
- Submit a one-page summary of what you learned from one of your workshops and include
a paragraph on how you will incorporate what you learned into your personal life.
- Choose one of the topics from your concept cultivators, teach four or more people
about the topic, and submit your presentation that was used to teach this topic. –
Include works cited page or a works cited slide in your chosen APA/MLA format. You
must have at least three references.
- Fall Semester: Write a two page reflection on your leadership experience.
- Spring Semester: Written or multi-media reflection on your leadership experience including
a SWOT analysis of yourself as a leader in your experience.
- 3 Mentor Meetings
- 1 Information Interview
- 50 Hours of Leadership
- 6 Concept Cultivators
- 1 Leadership Course: TECH 3400
- Monthly StrengthsFinder Goals
- Assignments
- Action planning Guides & Smart Goals (Strengths Finder): At the end of each month
submit a reflection on how you did with your action planning guides and SMART goals.
- Submit a leadership-based assignment from your course.
- Choose one of the topics from your concept cultivators, teach four or more people
about the topic, and submit your presentation that was used to teach this topic. –
Include works cited page or a works cited slide in your chosen APA/MLA format. You
must have at least three references.
- Fall Semester: Write a two page reflection on your leadership experience.
- Spring Semester: Written or multi-media reflection on your leadership experience including
a SWOT analysis of yourself as a leader in your experience.
- 3 Mentor Meetings
- 1 Information Interview
- 50 Hours of Leadership
- 6 Hours of Concept Cultivators
- 1 Leadership Course: TECH 405G
- Monthly StrengthsFinder Goals
- Assignments
- Action planning Guides & Smart Goals (Strengths Finder): At the end of each month
submit a reflection on how you did with your action planning guides and SMART goals.
- Submit a leadership-based assignment from your course.
- Choose one of the topics from your concept cultivators, teach four or more people
about the topic, and submit your presentation that was used to teach this topic. –
Include works cited page or a works cited slide in your chosen APA/MLA format. You
must have at least three references.
- Fall Semester: Wite a two page reflection on your leadership experience.
- Spring Semester: Written or multi-media reflection on your leadership experience including
a SWOT analysis of yourself as a leader in your experience.
- 3 Mentor Meetings
- 1 Information Interview
- 50 Hours of Leadership
- 6 Hours of Theory
- 1 Leadership Course
- Monthly StrengthsFinder Goals
- Assignments
- Action planning Guides & Smart Goals (Strengths Finder): At the end of each month
submit a reflection on how you did with your action planning guides and SMART goals.
- Submit a leadership-based assignment from your course.
- Choose one of the topics from your concept cultivators, teach four or more people
about the topic, and submit your presentation that was used to teach this topic. –
Include works cited page or a works cited slide in your chosen APA/MLA format. You
must have at least three references.
- Fall Semester: Wite a two page reflection on your leadership experience.
- Spring Semester: Written or multi-media reflection on your leadership experience including
a SWOT analysis of yourself as a leader in your experience.
- Capstone Project