Message from AVP of Partner solutions & technology support

Christina BaumNathan Gerber
AVP of Partner Solutions & Technology Support

When I tell people about my role at UVU as the associate vice president of Partner Solutions & Technology Support, I am often met with a peculiar look of confusion, as if the people I am talking to are perplexed about what that actually means. That is understandable; it is a long phrase that can definitely be confusing.

Simply put, our team is part of the Digital Transformation division on campus, focusing on transforming the digital experiences and information utilized by students, faculty, and staff. This includes the areas of academic learning systems, classroom technology, web and mobile solutions, business intelligence and data governance, student computing and technologies, and institutional research and data gathering.

I have been at UVU for many years, and the growth in our student enrollment, campuses, and technology is astounding. With this growth comes amazing opportunities for innovation, change, improvement, and enhanced experiences. The digital transformation concepts and incredible solutions today weren’t even a concept a few years ago, and I can’t wait to see what the future brings in these areas.

To move into the future, we have a dedicated team of professionals who love the work we do in higher education and UVU. We are constantly looking at the overall experience and finding ways to improve, streamline, and accelerate the path to student success through technology. We are partnered with many campus groups in this effort, focusing on the academic and student service areas. Building solutions that support students at all levels of the educational journey and helping them succeed is our foundational goal. We believe none of us is as smart as all of us, and we engage with all members of the UVU community in our efforts.

As we expand both our physical and virtual campus experiences, we are striving to connect the two in a way that enhances and accelerates learning. I’m excited about the future and the opportunities we have to improve the experiences of our students, faculty, and staff.

Nathan Gerber

Associate Vice President — Partner Solutions & Technology Support


Nathan Gerber

AVP of Partner Solutions & Technology Support
Email:  [email protected]
Phone: (801) 863-7973
Office: DX101C - MS130

Olivia Gledhill

Administrative Assistant IV
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (801) 863-5152
Office: Dx 101