Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Report Concerns - EthicsPoint

  • What is EthicsPoint?

EthicsPoint is a confidential internet and telephone based reporting tool, with the option of anonymous reporting, that helps UVU and its employees work together to address fraud, abuse, misconduct, or other violations in the workplace. EthicsPoint is managed at UVU by Internal Audit, who are independent of UVU's management team. To assist us in fully resolving your reported concerns, reporters should log back into their report to see any follow-up questions or comments we have posted.

  • What should be reported? 

EthicsPoint should be used to report ethical, policy, legal, or financial issues or concerns. For example, unethical behavior, violations of law or policy, potential conflicts of interest, theft, etc. should all be reported. EthicsPoint is designed to report any violation of our stated policies or other concerns you may have. 

  • Is EthicsPoint anonymous?

Yes. An EthicsPoint report can be filed either online or by phone call, and neither method requires you to disclose your identity. Reporting anonymously  can hinder our ability to fully resolve reported concerns. Please periodically log back into your report and answer any follow-up questions we may have posted. Please also provide as many details, specific examples, and supporting documents as possible.

  • Who reviews EthicsPoint reports?

Internal Audit investigates or assigns reports to the appropriate department (People and Culture, Title IX, Academic  Affairs, etc.). Internal Audit follows up with the assigned department to ensure resolution.

This hotline service does not replace or supersede existing reporting methods. The University encourages employees to bring concerns to their supervisor, People and Culture, or other campus entities as appropriate.

Internal Audits

  • What is Internal Audit? Do you work for UVU?

Internal Audit works for UVU, but reports to the Board of Trustees Audit Committee. The Audit Committee is independent of management.

  • Why are we being audited?

Departments and programs are chosen based on a variety of factors. Considerations include resources and need, if the audit is required per UVU or UHSE policies, previous audit coverage, time since last audit, complexity and size of operations (budget, number of employees, carryover), perceived risk, requests by management, reports through EthicsPoint, etc. Our work, including planned audits, is prioritized as follows:

1) USHE required audits

2) Tips and EthicsPoint reports

3) Requested and transfer audits

4) Planned audits

  • What can I expect?

Internal Audit works hard to provide a positive experience. While a single individual conducts most audits, some audits are conducted in teams. Audits vary in length depending on the scope. An audit may extend from just a few weeks to several months. Please see "The Audit Process."

  • Do I have any say in this process?

Yes! The Internal Audit process is a cooperative effort between management and the auditor. Full participation, questions, comments, and feedback are essential to the success of the audit. There may be times, however, where the sensitive nature of a particular issue would only allow for limited collaboration.

  • What documents will I likely need for an audit?

We will let you know what will be reviewed. The most important thing you can provide us is your time and the opportunity to ask questions; however, some common documents include:

• Long and short range management plans.

• Department policies and procedures.

• Internally generated reports, such as reports used on a weekly or monthly basis (budgetary, financial, management, exception reports, etc.).

• Job descriptions and/or org charts that accurately reflect your area.

• Source documents such as email approvals, receipts, tracking logs you may have (such as for department-owned equipment), revenue deposit slips, etc. 

  • What happens at the end of an audit? What do you do with your results?

Please see "The Audit Process."