Mission Statement

The mission of Internal Audit is to enhance and protect organizational value by providing independent, risk-based, and objective assurance, advice, and insight. Internal audit helps UVU accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control processes.  

We aim to be world-class.  We do so by providing high-quality, value-adding services to UVU.

Who We Are

Internal Audit works for UVU. The Director of Internal Audit reports functionally to the Board of Trustees Audit Committee, and administratively to the Vice President of Finance and Auxiliary Services. The Audit Committee is an independent, management oversight function.

Internal Audit is responsible for carrying out an annual risk assessment, and conducting audits of UVU entities based on the results of that assessment. We strive to add value in those areas through a systematic review of operations, revenues and expenses, assets, compliance with related laws and policies, etc. Based on this testing, we work with management to find ways to improve operations, prevent misconduct, safeguard assets, or better meet compliance expectations. Internal Audit is authorized to conduct audits of any UVU entity.

Our work, including planned audits, is prioritized as follows:

1) Utah Board of Higher Education's required audits

2) Tips and EthicsPoint reports

3) Requested and transfer audits

4) Planned audits

Internal Audit Staff

Please feel free to visit us. We can also all be contacted through Microsoft Teams.

  • Director - Internal Audit

    • Peter VanderHeide, CPA, CMA, CFE
  • Assistant Director - Internal Audit

  • Internal Auditor