Quick Tips

📱Text Message Alerts

Add your mobile phone number to receive text message alerts when your submissions are graded, you receive messages, and other announcements. Note, your standard text-message rates, as outlined in your personal carrier service agreement, will apply.

  1. Click on '+ Add Contact Method' button found on the right-hand side of the page.
  2. Click on the 'Text (SMS)' tab if not already selected
  3. Enter your mobile phone number in the 'Cell Number' field.
  4. Select your mobile phone carrier from the 'Carrier' list.
  5. Click on the 'Register SMS' button.

After registering your phone number, you will receive a confirmation text message on your mobile phone.

NOTE:  If you change your mobile phone number, please update your phone number in Canvas, so that you continue to receive your alerts. Also, failing to update your phone number may result in the subsequent recipient of your old phone number to receive you Canvas alerts.

📸 Add Your Picture

Adding your picture to your Canvas profile enables your instructors to know you better. You can update your picture at any time.

  1. Click on the image placeholder icon at the top of the screen.
  2. In the subsequent window that appears, click on the 'choose a picture' button.
  3. Locate the desired picture on your computer.
  4. After selecting your picture your picture, click the 'Save' button.

Your picture will be visible to your instructors and classmates. Please choose a picture shows your face clearly. Do NOT  upload offensive material.

📦 Add your Box Account & Others

Box is an online personal document repository. You can access your free Box account at https://uvu.account.box.com/login. After registering for an account, you can link Box account to your Canvas account. Doing so allows you to upload material stored in your Box account for course submissions.

  1. Click on the 'Box' link on the left-hand side of your settings page.
  2. Click on the 'Login to Box' link on the subsequent page.
  3. After logging in, you will be asked to drag a cloud icon from an area of the page into its intended position, a shadowed outline of the same cloud. This is an additional security measure to ensure your Box account remains protected.

Other Registered Services

Other services are available for you to use within canvas, such as Google Drive, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Skype. Please review the Canvas Student Guide for further information.

Official LMS

Canvas by Instructure is the official Learning Management System (LMS) of Utah Valley University and is the only LMS supported and approved by UVU for academic purposes.

No other LMS has been through UVU's stringent compliance review process, which includes analyses performed by persons representing UVU's legal department, data stewardship, purchasing, accessibility, systems administration, and the Academic Technology Steering Committee (ATSC).

Not using Canvas regularly as an instructor is a disservice to the students. Students increasingly expect to have real-time information on their current progress and standing in every course. Instructors should be in the practice of consistently grading assignments, quizzes, and other student submissions within a reasonable amount of time after the stated due date in Canvas. By continually providing valuable feedback, Instructors enable their students to assess their performance and make corrections when and if necessary.