Faculty Program Director Study Abroad Proposal Forms

The decision to lead a group of students abroad is a considerable undertaking and a rewarding professional experience.  A faculty member should expect to begin the process of proposing a new study abroad program at least 14-16 months prior to departure. 

  • Faculty interested in leading a study abroad program for Summer 2025 should submit an Intent to Propose a Study Abroad Program form by May 6, 2024.
  • You must watch the Faculty Program Proposal Guide before you submit a Comprehensive Program Proposal by September 4, 2024Prospective faculty program directors are highly encouraged to work with the Director of Education Abroad (in LA 209) as they develop their Comprehensive Proposal.
  • The Office of Education Abroad sponsors a limited (up to $1500) Study Abroad Program Develoment Grant for development of new programs.
  • Proposals are screened by the Office of Education Abroad and sponsoring academic departments and colleges/schools for academic quality, safety, risk, and financial sustainability.

Proposals received after the deadline will only be considered by direct recommendation/approval from the dean of the sponsoring college or school. 

Study Abroad Student Applications

Click here to login and view the students who have applied to your Study Abroad Program. 

Faculty Program Director Handbook

Scope of the Roles and Responsibilities

Scope of the Roles and Responsibilities 

The Faculty Program Director of a study abroad program is much more than an average faculty member. Classroom teaching and research alone do not prepare you for successfully directing a study abroad program. You are not only a teacher in this situation, but also an administrator, leader, interpreter, decision-maker, and diplomat. Your day does not end when class is over. You must be able to uphold and implement UVU institutional policies while at the same time taking advantage of the differences present in a foreign setting.

The steps listed below will guide you through the process of leading a study abroad program.

The Proposal

 Proposing a study abroad program is a three-step process:

  • Intent to Propose:In the Spring semester, the Office of Education Abroad will announce a call for new study abroad proposals. You should consult with your chair/director to determine how study abroad can enhance departmental objectives before submitting an Intent to Propose a Study Abroad Program form for the Spring or Summer of the following academic year. The Office of Education Abroad will collect Intent forms by the end of the Spring semester and inform deans of potential upcoming study abroad programs within each college.
  • Prepare Proposal:Over the summer, you should consult with overseas contacts to gather price quotes and logistical information you will need to complete the comprehensive proposal.  You should consult directly with the Director of Education Abroad as you develop you prepare your proposal and budget. 
  • Present Proposal:At the beginning of the Fall semester, you should present your final proposal along with syllabi for each course you will teach and price quotes for major expenses.

Proposals are screened by the Office of Education Abroad and sponsoring academic departments and colleges/schools for academic quality, safety, risk, and financial sustainability.


The Office of Education Abroad announces new approved programs for the following Spring and Summer at the Study Abroad Expo in September. Faculty are invited to table at this event to promote their program. the Office of Education Abroad will provide posters and other recruitment materials as described in the Office of Education Abroad Services section below.

Students can apply onlineuntil the general application deadline in early February (unless the program director lists an earlier deadline in their proposal). You will be given a link to a login screen to see your applicants as they apply.

the Office of Education Abroad will help recruit for your program, but the faculty program director and former students on your program are usually the most effective recruiters.  See the Faculty-Led Study Abroad Recruitment Strategies list below for recruitment ideas. Faculty should encourage students to speak with the Study Abroad Coordinator in LA 111 ([email protected]) to discuss application logistics and financial aid/scholarship opportunities.

Acceptance and Orientation

At the application deadline, the Office of Education Abroad will check with the appropriate offices on campus to ensure that each applicant is in good academic, disciplinary, and financial standing with the university. You will have the opportunity at this point to approve or disapprove of the students that have applied to your program.  the Office of Education Abroad will send an official acceptance email to all approved students in good standing asking them to commit to participate in the program by paying a $300 deposit.

All students are required to participate in an online orientation course that covers basic information on health and safety for international travel, informs students how to register for their courses and how to pay the balance of their program fee, and collects required waivers and documentation.

Faculty should also provide at least one pre-departure orientation that covers preparatory information specific to the site students will be visiting. Topics to discuss at this orientation may include: health/safety procedures, academic expectations, program administration, communications, site orientation, public transportation, program rules/behavioral expectations (Code of Conduct), group dynamics, the host country educational system, cross-cultural adaptation, cultural differences, and living with host families or in international residences. You should discuss if there are any conditions on site that could present a challenge for people with disabilities or that require accommodations (i.e. lack of access to refrigeration, the need to walk a lot on uneven surfaces). Establish a leadership role and positive group dynamic and serve as the intercultural facilitator for students (liaison between home and host cultures). 

Prior to departure

After the final roster of students is determined, the Office of Education Abroad and the UVU Travel Office will assist you in completing your program Concur travel request, obtaining travel cards, apply for visas (if required), enrolling for required international health and evacuation insurance, and making international purchases for services.

Since faculty do not have the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the university, you will need to send agreements and contracts that require signatures to the Office of Education Abroad early on in the process so that we can help you get them approved by the UVU General Counsel and the SVPAA. 

During the Program 

While the program is in session, you serve as the facilitator for all communication between UVU’s Office of Education Abroad and the hosting institution or agency abroad (if applicable) and program participants. You represent UVU to the students and host institutions and are therefore responsible for understanding and implementing UVU policies included in but not limited to travel policies 251 and 252.

At the outset of the program, you should provide another orientation to students to reinforce the safety procedures and academic expectations that you discussed in the pre-departure orientation.

Your primary responsibility will be to teach your course using the international site of your program as a classroom, but you will also need to make/confirm logistical arrangements, make payments, manage funds, keep financial records and receipts, and resolve student concerns and handle emergencies. You will organize lodging, meals, transportation, guides and entrance fees for excursions to be conducted in locations relevant to your course learning objectives (as indicated in program budget).

The Office of Education Abroad will provide you with an Emergency Contact Info sheet that includes contact information for the Office of Education Abroad (your main point of contact with the university while abroad), the UVU police, the nearest U.S. Embassy, the insurance company, student and faculty emergency contacts, local emergency services, and other important people and institutions.

You are responsible for maintaining contact with students throughout the program, counseling as needed on issues of cultural adjustment, conduct, and other non-academic issues.

After the Program

Within a month of returning to UVU, you will need to reconcile all program costs with the Travel Office via an Expense Report in Concur.  The Office of Education Abroad is here to assist with this process.

The Office of Education Abroad will request feedback from students and share the results with you.

Students are encouraged to continue developing their international understanding by engaging in the G/I Distinction program and participating in the International Photo Contest, Diplomatic Conference and UN events, Global Spotlight and Dignitary events, and International Internship. 

Strong Study Abroad Proposals

Strong Proposals Include

  • Clearly and thoroughly laid out academic goals that are enhanced by the program site(s).

  • Program directors that have strong ties to and familiarity with the program site. It is recommended that at least one of the program directors speaks the language of the host country.

  • A thorough assessment of the risks involved in and associated with the countries visited and the specific program activities.

  • A plan to assess the academic goals of the program.

  • Program activities that provide opportunities for students to interact with people of different backgrounds, cultures and abilities.

  • A detailed program-spending plan (with solid price quotes from providers/vendors) that covers the estimated costs of the program and maps accurately to the program itinerary. Both the spending plan and proposal should include solidly identified housing, classroom spaces and field trips.

  • Courses that generally mirror courses taught on campus in terms of academic rigor. Elements of tourism are inevitable in study abroad programs, but the Office of Education Abroad is committed to facilitating international academic programming.

  • A clear relationship to the sponsoring department. Program directors are full-time faculty in the sponsoring department (or an associated discipline), the program aims fit with departmental goals/priorities, and the coursework has been vetted and approved.

  • A thorough and comprehensive pre-departure orientation plan that informs students of academic requirements, behavioral expectations, health and safety considerations, and living and travel arrangements.

  • A student recruitment plan.

Faculty-Led Study Abroad Recruitment Strategies

Recruitment Strategies

Classroom visits 

  • Ask colleagues if you can come speak to their classes about the program.
  • Request the Study Abroad Coordinator (via [email protected]) to facilitate a classroom visit. Even 5 minutes at the beginning of class can make a huge difference.

Department and College website – Feature your program to increase visibility.

Create a Facebook page– Social media is one of the best ways to connect with students and post updates.

Department Events – Is your department having a large scale event running multiple days/hours? Set up a table and talk to people. This is the best way to reach a large number of students in your target audience.

Department Advisors – Share program details and handouts with your department adviser(s). They have a great deal of contact with your students and can be a great resource!

Information Sessions – Hold multiple information sessions per semester to answer questions that students may have and give them an opportunity to meet who they would be traveling with.

Information Table – Set up a table by the library, dining halls or on the quad to hand out fliers and talk to students. Ask past participants to help staff events. Students love hearing from other students.

Listserv Blasts – Does your department have a listserv? Use it to email your students about study abroad opportunities. Ask to send out a message on other relevant university listservs.

Study Abroad Expo – Every semester, The Study Abroad Expo attracts hundreds of potential study abroad students! Make time to recruit at this event or send a representative on your behalf. Bring photos or a laptop to show a presentation of what the program is all about to get students excited! 

Office of Education Abroad Services

The Office of Education Abroad Services

The Office of Education Abroad serves as a central point of coordination for all UVU study abroad programs and provides the following services for Summer Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs:

Program Development and Proposal Processing

  • Faculty advising to develop program itineraries, budgets, and proposals
  • Coordination of program proposal process including program course, budget, and logistical approval from Chairs, Deans, and the Office of Education Abroad
  • The Office of Education Abroad provides guidelines and reviews program proposals and monitors program activity to help faculty program directors stay in compliance with university and government policies and law (including UVU travel policies 251 252).

Marketing & Advising

  • The Office of Education Abroad provides each faculty-led study abroad program with the following marketing materials: Color program posters | Program flyers | Campus signage | Program webpage
  • Study Abroad Expo coordination
  • Advising services for students and faculty, Monday through Friday from 8 am – 5 pm
  • General marketing at university events such as freshman orientation and weekly info tables
  • Classroom presentations to promote study abroad participation (upon request)

Student Application Processing

  • Online student application process with faculty portal
  • the Office of Education Abroad liaisons with the offices of Student Conduct, Cashier/Bursar, and Academic Standards to verify that accepted students are in good disciplinary, financial, and academic standing with the university

Financial Services

  • The Office of Education Abroad’s central administration of Summer Faculty-Led Study Abroad programs allows for a discounted tuition rates for students (Not available for programs running in the Fall or Spring semesters)
  • Coordination with the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships and direct scholarship coordination and advising for specific scholarships (i.e. Nelson, Gilman scholarships)
  • Budget development and management
  • Coordination with the Travel office and Procurement Services to facilitate wire transfers and other program service purchasing, student billing, and travel card administration
  • Faculty compensation administration based on course registration (Not available for programs running in the Fall or Spring semesters. Faculty running programs in these semesters will be paid directly by their departments as part of their regular load or as overload.)
  • Post-program reconciliation


  • Course section creation and student registration coordination with colleges and departments (Not available for programs running in the Fall or Spring semesters)
  • Global/Intercultural University Distinction advising

Pre-departure Preparation and In-country Health and Safety Support

  • Faculty consultation and orientation
  • Online pre-departure international travel, health & safety, and culture orientation for faculty & students
  • Scheduling support for program-specific orientations (upon request)
  • Provision of international health, accident, and evacuation insurance for faculty and students on all programs
  • 24/7 Emergency phone number and response for programs out in the field
  • Liaise with the Office of Emergency Risk Management

Post Program

  • Post-program student and faculty survey and assessment
  • Faculty follow-up support to wrap up loose ends

University Travel Policies