SEGO Student Engagement Survey

What is SEGO

The purpose of SEGO is to track, evaluate, and report the efficacy of student engagement on measures of student success. SEGO is a 45-question survey developed at UVU and vetted and licensed by a 3rd party to measure student perceptions of engagement at their course level. In addition, SEGO will attempt to (1) understand elements to improve student engagement, assessment, and exploitation of opportunities to create better experiences and enhance students' performance and (2) assess the overall UVU level of Engagement for Carnegie Classification. Specifically, it focuses on Academic Engagement and Community Engagement, which are composed of the following measured values: Active & Collaborative Learning, Tools, Context, Theory & Knowledge, Application& Skills, Content, Client Interaction, and Community Involvement.

SEGO is an interactive dashboard program aims to understand elements of Engaged learning with a focus on High-Impact Practices (HIPs) to improve student engagement, assessment, and opportunities to create better experiences and enhance students' performance. SEGO is an interactive system that provides data on HIPs at different levels of engagement. In addition, the system gives a spectrum of information on engagement for various student populations.

While all other engaged learning programs address students' experience throughout their enrollment at their institutions, SEGO measures students' engaged learning experience in their classrooms. It allows for an in-depth review of Engaged Learning and High Impact Practices (HIPs), with results achieved in the shortest possible time and considerably reducing the cost of adjusting course design to deliver exceptional results. SEGO establishes a relationship between academic and community engagement at the course level. It provides evidence-based engaged learning, which can be used for multiple layers of measurement, assessment, and accreditation. The program addresses gaps and tests assumptions in course design. This allows highly engaging courses (or elements of courses) to be replicated in other courses.

UVU successfully uses SEGO to provide an in-depth view of student engagement for various student populations at the course level, particularly in class demographics, to address inclusion within the classroom. SEGO also aids in program review, department assessment, and accreditation by administrators and faculty for course outcomes.

Image of the SEGO Dashboard, with information on SEGO Course Engagement

Image of the SEGO dashboard

SEGO Implementation

  • Canvas team embed the survey in Canvas as an assignment.
  • Instrument administration
  • Data Management
    (Data cleaning, missing values analysis, and matching students' data)
  • Data Analysis
  • Finalize the dashboard
    (including customization upon request)

Access Levels & Features

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  • Raw Data
  • Analyzed Data
  • All levels
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High-level Leadership

  • Institution
  • Colleges
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  • College
  • Departments
  • Courses
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Department Chairs

  • Department
  • Course
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  • Courses
  • Section (upon request, individual sections).
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  • Courses
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  • Courses
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  • Institution

SEGO Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we want to benchmark student perceptions of engagement?

  • As higher ed adapts to challenges, including COVID and the perceived decreasing value of a degree, UVU takes pride in being proactive and agile as we provide engaging experience for our students. We understand that these have influenced our students in ways that we are hoping to better understand. SEGO will help us to identify which aspects of our classes our students connect with and discover best practices. It aligns with Vision 2030 and will be critical for retaining our Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement and providing institutional level evidence that can be used to support accreditation and program/course assessment.

How often will we administer the SEGO survey to all sections, university-wide?

  • Every 5 years as campus wide and upon request for colleges, programs, course, and section level. Next campus-wide administration is expected in Fall 2027.

How will the survey be administered?

  • It will automatically show up as a survey within each section in Canvas unless faculty opt-out.
  • If faculty opt-out, then the students in those sections will receive an e-mail asking them to complete the survey.
  • We chose to embed it in the canvas courses, so the correct CRN number is directly linked to each survey, eliminating errors from students reporting the section information for each course.

How long will the survey take?

  • Generally, the survey takes about 20 minutes.

When will the survey be administered?

  • The survey will become accessible on Canvas once two-thirds of the semester has passed.

Can students opt out of the survey?

  • Yes, this study has IRB approval so the first page of the survey will provide information about the study and allow for students to opt-out.

How will the data be protected?

  • The data will be housed and managed through Institutional Research (IR), and the data collected will NOT be analyzed at the individual level or reported to identify any individual subject. Respondents’ UVIDs will be encrypted, and data accessibility will be limited to the researcher and the faculty.

Who will have access to the data?

  • Aggregated data (see below) will be available to faculty, chairs, associate deans, deans, and other administrators. The Academic Assessment and Analytics office will provide reports as well as dashboard training.
  • Data specific to individual instructors and sections will ONLY be available to the instructor. No one else will have access unless the instructor allows access, nor will anyone ask that you share your data.

How will the data be aggregated?

  • Data will be aggregated to include data from at least three instructors so individual instructor data is protected. This will be done to provide specificity of the data while anonymizing individual courses. See examples below.
    1. PSY 3030, 6 sections, 5 faculty – Data will be aggregated at the course level for this course.
    2. PSY 3110, 5 sections, 2 faculty, so data will not be available at this level. Instead, we will combine it with the other 3XXX-level PSY course data that did not reach the 3-faculty threshold.

How will the data be used?

  • Aggregated data will be analyzed to identify best practices; this will include identifying courses that have high engagement despite challenges including but not limited to large class sizes and on-line sections.
  • Aggregated data specific to community engagement will be integral for recertification of UVU’s Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement which makes us more competitive for grant funding and donations.
  • Individual section-level data will only be accessible by the instructor. Since the SEGO survey has IRB approval, it may be used by the instructor for their scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Although university-wide SEGO administration will only happen every 5 years, instructors may request to administer it in any future courses to measure change.

Will the data be used for RTP purposes?

  • No, only the instructor of the section will have access to the specific section data. Faculty may choose to include the data if it is beneficial, but they will have complete control over who they grant access to. Chairs and Deans will not have access to the data unless you provide it to them. Additionally, we have instructed them that they cannot ask for the data.