Joining the Team

ERT Active Shooter

Members of the Emergency Response Team enjoy a unique position at UVU and in the Emergency Services Field. The team is comprised of members with wide a scope of experience, ranging from newly certified EMTs to veteran Paramedics.

Team members are able to gain valuable knowledge and skills by working alongside Orem City Firefighter-Paramedics during medical incidents on that require more than Basic Life Support services.

To be on the team you must:

  • Hold a current CPR certification and EMT certification in the state of Utah
  • The members of the team are required to pick up events, and cover one shift a week. These shifts run Monday through Friday from 0800-1300 and 1300-1800 hrs.


If you are interested in joining our team, please download and complete the application and either 1) email a copy to [email protected] OR 2) deliver it to the ERT office at SC108H on UVU's main campus.

Download the ERT Application