MenB Vaccine Comes to UVU


High fever, exhaustion, and nausea are common symptoms of stomach flu. Unfortunately, these are also early symptoms of a much more dangerous illness—meningococcal disease. It's a severe bacterial infection that attacks the lining of the brain, spinal cord, and bloodstream.

According to the CDC, meningococcal bacteria spread through "close (for example, coughing or kissing) or lengthy contact." Due to the close living quarters and crowded hallways and classrooms, colleges are at high risk for outbreaks. Rutgers University, Columbia University, and San Diego State University all reported meningococcal disease outbreaks to the CDC between September 2018 and April 2019.

 Student Health Services doesn't want UVU to become a statistic. It's taking a proactive approach to preventing a meningococcal outbreak at UVU by bringing the serogroup B meningococcal (MenB) vaccine onto campus.

MenB vaccinations will be available on Tuesday, September 10 from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm in the Hall of Flags. The cost of each vaccination is $180 without insurance. It's administered in two rounds, so the clinic will be available in the fall and again in the spring.

Vaccinations are administered in collaboration with Walmart Pharmacy.

For more information, please contact Student Health Services at 801-863-8876.