Paper Submissions are received on a rolling basis and open to anyone (e.g. students, faculty, staff, professionals, community members) interested in expressing ideas related to leadership; however, our deadline for the Fall 2024 issue is Friday, September 13th.
Submission Guidelines
(Review guidelines below before submitting)
Submit relevant papers from your research, academic or personal study, or coursework. Your submission should be original work that has not been published previously. We do not accept material currently being considered by another journal.
Include an abstract of 100-150 words.
Do not include any personally identifying information on your submission document (e.g. no first and last names, course names, professor names). Be sure to check your document properties to be sure that all identifying information is removed. This helps ensure our double-blind review process. Here's a tutorial on how to check your document properties!
We favor cogent papers that tend to have shorter, simpler sentences.
We recommend submissions include references in APA Format. Submissions using Chicago format are also welcome.
**We expect authors will not submit same papers to other journals during our review process. Papers are peer reviewed and undergo a detailed revision process, and authors are expected to work closely with JSL editorial editors to address external reviewer and staff recommendations.
Accepting original Art Submissions (no elements that are copyrighted without permission) in all mediums (e.g. paintings, photography, poems), representing leaders, leadership topics, or related themes. We're also looking for a Journal Cover!
You are required to include the following components in your art submission to [email protected]
Filling out the form or button at the top of the page is not necessary for artists. Instead, email the following:
Short artist bio (2 to 4 sentences) to be included if your work were to be accepted for publication.
Here are some examples below (JSL may edit for professional content and length):
Example 1: Jane R. Doe has been published in journals such as Essais and Warp and Weave. She is currently working toward her bachelor's in creative writing at UVU and expects to graduate in 2026. She is the president of the multicultural student council and plans to work for an NGO someday. (email: [email protected]) [Email is optional]
Example 2: Jane R. Doe is Assistant Professor of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond. Her work focuses on leadership, social innovation, and civic responsibility. She has published in Comparative and International Higher Education and The Journal of Higher Education. (email: [email protected]) [Email is optional]
Interesting in reviewing a recently publish book for the journal? First, reach out the Editors at: [email protected] to discuss your book review idea.
- Reviews are typically around 750 to 1000 words, but may be a bit longer.
- Cite direct quotes from the reviewed text. Other references conform to APA or Chicago citation formats and are not required,
- Submit your file as an MS Word document.
- Please include a brief bio that includes your institutional affiliation, areas of interest, and current projects or publications (if any).
- In your review, include information about the book: title, author(s) [or editor(s)], publisher, number of pages, and ISBN
We look forward to discussing a possible book review with you. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Future authors often wonder what topics would be of greatest interest to the editorial board, staff, and readers. Likelihood of publication exists for those submissions that are able to incorporate relevant concepts of leadership in their paper. The following topics are just a subset of appropriate areas that could be addressed:
Ethics in leadership
The need for diverse leaders
Importance of communication in successful leadership
How to maintain integrity in leadership?
Why and how people lead?
What practices the best leaders implement?
How can historical analysis help clarify the role of leadership?
Examples of excellent leaders and their contributions, and a broad range of other topics that relate to leadership
We take submissions from all who are interested. There are no prerequisites for those who want to submit.
Our definition of leadership is much broader. We welcome submissions on most any leadership topic.
We accept art submissions of all mediums representing leadership, leaders, or similar themes. Submit files for review to [email protected].
Top Professional (MBA, JD, MD, DDS) & Graduate Programs (Education, Business, Leadership, MA, Ph.D., and Ed.D. programs)
Those interested in learning more about contemporary research and perspectives on leadership
Double-blind means the exact reviewers and authors are unaware of each others' identities. Each are anonymous.
Peer review means peers at the same college, academic, or professional level review submitted work. For example, student submissions are reviewed by students, post-graduate level submissions are reviewed by post-graduates, and faculty submissions are reviewed by faculty.
Yes, papers and art work may be submitted on a rolling basis--at any time.
Use the UVU Writing Center (face-to-face or online)
Ask a friend to read it over
Contact the editors at [email protected] to see if they can setup a time to meet with you to discuss your paper.
Ask a professor to read it over