Schedule Types

Schedule Type codes (aka "delivery method", "modality") indicate the primary way a course section will be taught. This code offers truth in advertising for students as they plan their schedules and register for classes.

Once a semester schedule becomes visible for student planning, sections should not be changed.  Faculty are not permitted to alter a delivery method from the scheduled format without prior written approval from their dean’s office and written confirmation from ASO.

Academic departments are responsible for the Schedule Type and Instructional Method coding on all class sections. Review your semester schedules carefully during Phase 1 (Initial Review) and submit all major adjustments by the published due date. Specific "Scheduling Rules" apply.


Face-to-Face LEC

USHE Definition

(P: Face-to-Face, 02-Jun-2003)

Course is taught primarily in person, classroom based. This includes workbook courses with instruction, and courses with technology-delivered components such as online syllabi, online lecture notes; however, teaching and learning activities are classroom-based.

UVU Conventional Use

Lecture is delivered live, in a classroom, on specific days and times. Sections require:

  • Numeric section numbers apply (e.g., "001" morning/afternoon, "601" evening).
  • One or more meeting lines (standard meeting patterns apply), and
  • UVU building and room assignment (or other approved location).

Also used for Internships (SUP), Individualized (INV), and Co-operative course sections, where:

  • meeting line contains no specific day(s) or time(s), and
  • building and room codes reflect "TBA".
  • Individualized sections only begin with "I__".

Live Interactive (aka "Video") home sections (located in UVU broadcast rooms only), which must be coordinated with Concurrent Enrollment.


F + Livestream

USHE Definition

(B: Hybrid/Blended, 09-Aug-2011)

A variation of "hybrid", course content is delivered both in person, in a classroom, and through synchronous two-way streaming technology (aka "Remote Virtual"). Courses meet synchronously on a regular schedule (specific days and times).

UVU Conventional Use

A combination of face-to-face lecture and livestream requirements. Lecture is held live in a UVU classroom on specific days and times for some content, and livestream on specific days and times using MS Teams (students join and interact using their own device; no physical classroom space is scheduled). Sections require:

  • Two meeting lines-- one to capture the live lecture time and one to capture the livestream time requirement (standard meeting patterns apply to both meeting lines). For example:
    • Line 1: T 1300-1415 LA 104 (75 minutes face-to-face lecture)
    • Line 2: R 1300-1415 LIVE STREAM (75 minutes livestream)
  • Numeric section numbers apply (e.g., "001" morning/afternoon, "601" evening).
  • Standard "Face-to-Face + Livestream" section note for student information.
  • Section Attribute code ("HY") for reporting purposes.

F + Online

USHE Definition

(B: Hybrid/Blended, 09-Aug-2011)

Course is taught both in person, in a classroom and via technology. The technology-delivered components include teaching and learning activities and reduces the time traditionally spent in the face-to-face class.

UVU Conventional Use

Previously known as "Hybrid" (HY). A combination of face-to-face lecture and online requirements. Lecture is held live in a UVU classroom on specific days and times for some content, with the remaining content being delivered online via Canvas. Sections require:

  • Two meeting lines-- one to capture the live lecture time (standard meeting patterns apply), and one to capture the online requirement. For example:
    • Line 1:MW 1300-1350 LA 104 (100 minutes face-to-face lecture)
    • Line 2: [no day/time] ONLINE(50 minutes online)
  • Numeric section numbers apply (e.g., "001" morning/afternoon, "601" evening).
  • Standard "Face-to-Face + Online" section note for student information.
  • Section Attribute code ("HY") for reporting purposes.


USHE Definition

(V: Remote Virtual, 01-May-2020)

Content is delivered both through synchronous two-way streaming technology and online (aka "Remote Virtual"). Courses meet synchronously on a regular schedule. Courses do not require university controlled space at either the origination or receiving locations. These courses are included in IPEDS Distance Education reporting.

UVU Conventional Use

Lecture is held live on specific days and times using MS Teams. Students join and interact using their own device (no physical classroom space is scheduled), and can interact with the instructor and classmates on camera. Sections require:

  • One meeting line (standard meeting patterns apply; general classroom/lab space is not assigned). For example:
    • Line 1:MWF 0900-0950 LIVE STREAM (150 minutes livestream lecture)
  • Numeric section numbers apply (e.g., "001" morning/afternoon, "601" evening).
  • Standard "Livestream" section note for student information.

LS + Online

USHE Definition

(V: Remote Virtual, 01-May-2020)

Content is delivered both through synchronous two-way streaming technology and online (aka "Remote Virtual"). Courses meet synchronously on a regular schedule. Courses do not require university controlled space at either the origination or receiving locations. These courses are included in IPEDS Distance Education reporting.

UVU Conventional Use

Lecture is held live on specific days and times using MS Teams.  Students join and interact using their own device (no physical classroom space is scheduled), and can interact with the instructor and classmates on camera. Sections require:

  • Two meeting lines-- one to capture the livestream lecture time (standard meeting patterns apply), and one to capture the online requirement. For example:
    • Line 1:MW 1600-1650 LIVE STREAM (100 minutes livestream lecture)
    • Line 2: [no day/time] ONLINE (50 minutes online)
  • Numeric section numbers apply (e.g., "001" morning/afternoon, "601" evening).
  • Standard "Livestream" section note for student information.
  • Section Attribute code ("HY") for reporting purposes.

Live Interactive

USHE Definition

(R: Interactive Audio/Video, 02-Jun-2003)

Course is taught via remote interactive video and audio (i.e., IVC, EdNET, Satellite) from an origination site to one or more receive sites or via streaming media technologies. Lectures and assignments are delivered in real time, one-way from the instructor to students (Satellite), with two-way exchange capabilities between instructor and student (IVC or EdNET). These courses require the use of a room or other University controlled space at either the origination or receiving site. These courses are included in IPEDS distance education metrics.

UVU Conventional Use

Lecture is held live on specific days and times in a UVU classroom, and is broadcast to one or more remote classrooms (i.e., local high schools). Students can interact with the instructor on camera. Used for all live interactive "receive" (aka "remote") site sections. Sections require:

  • Section numbers begin with "V__".
  • Must be cross-listed with a face-to-face "home" section (section number "151").
  • Coordinated through Concurrent Enrollment.


USHE Definition

(I: Online/Internet, 09-Aug-2011)

Course content is delivered online. While online courses may require proctored exams, there are no other place-bound requirements and minimal synchronous (real time) requirements. Regular interactions between students and instructor are a part of the teaching and learning process. These courses are included in IPEDS distance education metrics.

UVU Conventional Use

Lecture is taught 100% online through Canvas. Students are not required to meet on specific days or times. Sections require:

  • One meeting line (no days / times listed) with building and room "ONLINE".
  • Section numbers begin with "X__".

Face-to-Face LAB

USHE Definition

(P: Face-to-Face, 02-Jun-2003)

Course is taught primarily in person, classroom based. This includes workbook courses with instruction, and courses with technology-delivered components such as online syllabi, online lecture notes; however, teaching and learning activities are classroom-based.

UVU Conventional Use

The lecture is held live in a UVU laboratory on specific days and times. Applies to course sections where the credit ratio includes LAB hours only. For example:

  • CHEM 3605 201 (X, LAB, 1:0:3)

Sections require:

  • One or more meeting lines (standard meeting patterns apply),
  • UVU building and lab space assignment (or other approved location),and
  • Section numbers begin with "2__" (morning/afternoon) or "8__" (evening).

Note: Not used with Instructional Method "INV", "OLN", "OPL", OPR", or "SUP".


Know Your Options!

'Flex Delivery' for social distancing may be required during restricted semesters.
See FAQs for more information.