The Academic Scheduling office works primarily with Department Chairs and their authorized, trained staff to create semester schedules. From creating new sections and assigning classrooms, to coordinating supplemental instruction and finals week, we provide the resources, tools, and solutions. As a regulated separation of duties, we do not schedule special events or assist students with registration.
1.How do I add / change / cancel an existing section?
CourseLeaf CLSS (Section Scheduler) -
Occasionally, a section cannot be edited due to a system lock (e.g.,"This section has features that cannot be edited in this interface. Changes to this section will need to be made directly in Banner.").If this occurs, email the information (including a full screen shot) to [email protected]. To avoid any confusion or unnecessary delays, always include the following information:
Note: Requests can only be processed when submitted by an authorized scheduler or Department Chair. Phone requests cannot be processed.
2. When is a class section Deleted vs Cancelled?
"Delete" and "Cancel" are terms often used in the same context, but they represent
different actions in CLSS and Banner.
3. What is Prime Time?
Course sections that start between 0800 - 1400 are considered "prime time". Avoiding 0800 - 1400 start times for net adds, day/time changes, or supplemental instruction will greatly increase your chances of securing a classroom assignment.
Some course sections receive the lowest priority for room scheduling, including:4.What are Standard Meeting Patterns?
Standard meeting patterns (aka 'start times') were created in order to maximize UVU's space utilization, and to help students create effective schedules for completion. Departments must schedule according to these standards. See Standard Meeting Patterns for an approved list (by semester / block and contact hour).
The Academic Scheduling Committee (ASC) has worked to provide updated standard solutions. All academic departments are expected to follow the published patterns.
5. Can Student Registration be restricted?
Banner's Special (Department) Approval feature ("DE" code) can be used with individualized sections or internships to help control student registration. Students will see a "Department Approval Required" message when attempting to register.
Did you know the maximum enrollment limit for course sections must reflect your actual enrollment estimate?
6. Can a section be hidden from student view?
Sections can be made hidden or visible to students at any time. However:
If your department does not intend to offer a section during the current semester, cancel it (or don't create it). Create only what is necessary based on planning, and then to meet additional student demand.
7. What is Waitlisting?
The waitlist feature provides students the option to "get in line" for a space in a class that is already full. Students can select the waitlist while registering for classes. For details, refer to Registration's Waitlist Information page.
For academic department scheduling purposes, the Waitlist Maximum Enrollment limit shall match the Section Maximum Enrollment limit up to 25 students. Course sections with a maximum enrollment greater than 25 should reflect:
Note: The Waitlist Maximum Enrollment limit vs Section Maximum Enrollment limit was originally approved by Academic Affairs Council, Dec
8. What are Part of Term Codes?
Part of term codes can be requested to capture unique start/end dates within a semester. Each code is set up with specific deadlines, including registration, add/drop/withdrawal, tuition/fee assessment, late registration, etc.
Students can register after the wait list period ends, but are still subject to the Late Registration process (exempting fees and Dean's approval).
To request a Miscellaneous part of term code, email the Academic Scheduling office with the exact start/end dates, and a clear description.
9. How do I add or change a Course-based Fee?
Course-based fees can be requested in order to cover specific course costs. Review UVU's policy 607--Course-Based Fees for Credit Courses which includes information for:
Fee accounts should be reviewed with your Financial Manager regularly for accuracy and potential adjustments (i.e., add, delete, increase, decrease, code changes, etc.).
To be considered by the Course Fee Review Committee, review the requirements before submitting to the Academic Affairs office using the designated form.
The Committee meets annually (in January) to review requests. An academic department can submit requests at any time, but must do so before the established deadline for application to the following academic year. Any requests submitted without sufficient documentation, appropriate calculations, or missing signatures will not be considered by the Committee.
Course-based fees are NOT adjusted through the curriculum process in CourseLeaf CIM, or through the scheduling process in CourseLeaf CLSS!
10. What is 3rd Week Cleanup?
Census dates affect every active section and reflect when data is captured for state reporting. Prior to the third week of a new semester, several cleanup procedures need to take place, including (but not limited to):
These are not automatic solutions. The cancellation or change must be requested by the department chair in CourseLeaf CLSS.
11.What should I know about the Final Exam schedule?
UVU policy (601 Classroom Management) requires faculty members to give a final examination/assessment that takes place during exam week.
Use the Final Exam Schedule to calculate your final exam day(s) and time(s).
Refer to the Final Exam Guidelines for more information.
12. What is Flex Delivery for Social Distancing?
Social distancing (students are typically spaced 6' apart) isn't always possible in an assigned classroom. "Flex delivery" can allow students
to rotate between being in the classroom and participating via live stream from home
(or other location).
When the actual enrollment of a class exceeds 40% of a room’s max capacity, and a larger classroom is NOT available, instructors should practice “flex delivery”. This means rotating which students
attend in person the first day (or week), and via live stream the next day (or week).
One example is by a student’s birth date (even/odd days).
Note: "Live Capture" is available only in technology capable spaces (which must be
appropriately scheduled for activation).
13.How do I request supplemental instruction time?
Requests for instructor-led supplemental instruction time directly related to an academic course section (i.e., study/review or practice session, tutoring, make-up test, etc.) should be submitted via ASO's Supplemental Instruction Time request form.
14. What is Cross-Listing?
There are three different types of cross-listing defined here:
Curriculum cross-listing in Banner and CourseLeaf CIM provide a way for the same course content to be shared by multiple departments, and provides a degree of visibility (via subject code) in a student's transcript.
Curriculum cross-listed courses must use the same course number, title, description, special designation (if applicable), credit ratio, pre-/co-requisites, CLOs, and course-work requirements. For more information, refer to CourseLeaf CIM, or contact your UCCrepresentative.
Section-level cross-listing in Banner and CourseLeaf CLSS, in addition to the curriculum rules above, require using the same schedule type, instructional method, meeting pattern, building/room assignment and instructor(s) % of responsibility on each section.
Canvas cross-listing is NOT the same as course and section cross-listing.
Canvas cross-listing simply provides a way to combine two or more sections in Canvas to make grading and content updates easier for a faculty member throughout a semester. Restrictions apply. See Crosslisting Courses in Canvas for more information.
15. How are cross-listed Maximum Enrollments determined?
The “Cross-List Maximum Enrollment” number drives when all sections in a group will close, and supersedes the individual section maximum enrollment numbers.
16.How do I activate an Instructor (contract or adjunct), Area Coordinator, or Instructional Assistant?
The Department Chair (or authorized scheduler) can submit a request for Instructor, Area Coordinator, or Instructional Assistant activation. This process is necessary to:
Once an individual is listed on a course section in Banner, the information is automatically routed to Canvas. Access to Canvas follows the classifications outlined below.
Workload (Teaching) Percentage
Instructor (Contract or Adjunct)
Area Coordinator
Instructional Assistant
Approval workflow:
Review the email and comments carefully.
17. What is Faculty Workload?
Faculty workload planning and reporting are critical to the successful management of academic human resources, accurate reporting to university stakeholders of the use of these resources, and facilitating compensation issues. Instructor assignments should be entered on all course sections prior to 3rd week state reporting for each semester.
For more information, refer to Faculty Workload.
If an instructor assignment change request is submitted after this date for any reason, Academic Scheduling cannot process the request. In order to record grades, faculty members shall submit a Grade Change form to the Registration Office.
18. What is a College/School Staff faculty record?
One “STAFF” faculty record exists for each college/school. This record:
The “(School) STAFF” record differs from the “Staff” listing online:
The creation and use of these records was approved by the Banner SCORE Committee (Fall 2010).
19.How are Room Assignments made?
Once the department schedules have been validated and submitted to Academic Scheduling for processing (via CourseLeaf CLSS), general classrooms are automatically assigned to each course section needing a space. The room scheduling software (CollegeNet 25Live) considers building preferences associated with each course prefix, section enrollment limits, maximum room capacities, and meeting patterns. It does not consider instructor assignments, hybrid pairings, or program size.
Approximately 75 - 80% of sections are placed within a department's first preference. Five percent cannot be placed within any preference and must be processed manually on a first come-first served basis (subject to room availability as change / cancel requests are submitted and processed).
Academic Scheduling, Event Services, OIT, and a CollegeNet consultant meet periodically to review UVU's current practices, the use of CollegeNet products, and options to improve UVU's room-use efficiency and placement. It is important to note that much of UVU's efficiency depends on standard meeting patterns AND the number of requests for non-standard exceptions.
20.Max Room Capacity vs Max Occupancy?
The State of Utah adopted the International Fire Code and International Building Code.
Occupancy limitations are calculated by the type of occupancy as outlined in the code
books. As a building is designed, the initial limitations are set when the usage is
determined. Numerous factors are taken into account, including (but not limited to):
electrical loading, furniture loading, special hazards, exiting, ADA requirements,
mechanical loading, etc.
The initial limitations are set at the state level. As usage changes, occupancy and
capacity can be re-evaluated. In some cases, the capacity can be increased; while
in others, it must be decreased. The Academic Scheduling office is not authorized to increase the capacity of any space without Fire Marshal review and written approval. Fire Marshal evaluations are extensive and are not taken lightly. For more information, contact UVU's Police Department.
Occupancy vs Capacity
Never move tables, chairs or equipment from one room to another! Doing so creates a shortage in the classroom they were taken from, and in many cases, creates a safety hazard in the classroom they were moved to.
For more information, see: Utah's Public Safety laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
21. Classroom and Teaching Laboratory Utilization Standards
Per USHE policy R751, Institutional Facilities Space Utilization, higher education institutions monitor room utilization using two metrics:
The following standards exist for classroom and teaching laboratory utilization:
Did You Know...?
22. What is Pre-scheduling Authority?
Pre-scheduling Authority allows academic departments to assign a specific general classroom or lab to course sections (prior to the automated room scheduling process). The primary purpose of this authority is to accommodate faculty with accessibility needs (refer to UVU policy 152 for more information), and the need for specialized equipment.
To request pre-scheduling authority to a general classroom or lab:
What you need to know:
For current classroom/lab information, refer to the Master Room List.
23. What is a Room Audit?
Academic Scheduling, Event Services, Facilities, and Media Services regularly conduct campus-wide audits of academic classrooms, computer and specialty labs, conference rooms, fitness/dance rooms, event space, and concourses. All accommodations are validated against UVU's inventory database and scheduling software, including: maximum student capacity, furniture type, room configuration, media equipment, lab equipment, fire exits, windows, etc. Every effort is made to avoid classes in session. Your cooperation is appreciated.