Payment Deadlines Explained

 A list of important dates and deadlines for current, past, and/or future semesters can be found on the Student Timetable.

Payment Deadline

UVU will purge classes ONE TIME each semester on Payment Deadline. To prevent classes from being dropped, students should:

  • Ensure their FAFSA information has been received by UVU OR
  • Be enrolled in a payment plan, OR
  • Pay their tuition and fees in full

by 11:59 p.m. on Payment Deadline. If a student's classes are dropped for nonpayment and he still plans to attend, he will be required to reregister for a new schedule. 

View Payment Deadlines

Late Fee Deadline

Late fees are assessed on ALL unpaid account balances, including accounts awaiting Financial Aid, at 20%, not to exceed $200.00 per semester. Late fees are assessed every Wednesday night throughout the semester for both semester and block classes (including second block). To avoid the late fee, students should:

  • Pay their tuition in full before the late fee deadline OR
  • Enroll in a payment plan before the late fee deadline

If a student is expecting Financial Aid and the funds haven't applied to her account by the first day of classes, she should contact the Financial Aid office at 801-863-8442 and then consider enrolling in a payment plan.

View Late Fee Deadlines

100% Refund Deadline

After the first Payment Deadline, UVU will NOT drop classes for nonpayment or nonattendanceStudents who decide not to attend are responsible for dropping their own courses. In order to have the charges reversed from their account, students must drop or withdraw completely by the specified date for Semester or Block classes. Students who withdraw after that date will not receive a refund. If they have not paid yet, they will continue to owe the University for these charges and will be subject to collections procedures if left unpaid. To withdraw completely, students need to file a Leave of Absence through myUVU. Filing a Leave of Absence does not absolve a student of any financial obligation to the University for tuition or other charges owing or repayment of a financial aid disbursement if filed after the 100% Refund Deadline.

View 100% Refund Deadlines

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