View real-time listing of classes and sections offered.
NOTE: Individual course fees are subject to change. See your account summary in myUVU for accurate charges.
Prepares students for certification as an Emergency Medical Responder through the Utah Bureau of EMS, National Registry, and American Heart Association-Basic Life Support-Provider. Focuses on assessment and care for patients of all ages with a variety of medical conditions and traumatic injuries prior to the arrival of professional emergency care providers. Includes introduction to emergency medical services systems, roles and responsibilities of Emergency Medical Responders, anatomy and physiology, medical emergencies, trauma, and special considerations for working in the pre-hospital setting. Lab access fee of $84 applies.
Provides fundamental knowledge of the EMS system to include safety and well-being of the EMT. Includes medical, legal and ethical issues related to emergency care. Teaches entry level cognitive and kinesthetic skills including; medical and trauma assessment, basic pharmacology and EMS operations. Prepares students for certification as an Emergency Medical Technician-Basic through the Utah Bureau of EMS. Course lab fee of $147 applies.
Applies fundamental knowledge of the EMS system, safety and well-being of the EMT, medical and legal and ethical issues to the provision of emergency care. Prepares students for certification as an Emergency Medical Technician-Basic through the Utah Bureau of EMS. First of three courses required for EMT- Basic certification. May be delivered online.
Provides background information and knowledge about EMT kinesthetic skills, including medical assessments, trauma assessment, pharmacology, special patient populations, and EMS operations.
Demonstrates mastery of kinesthetic skills, including medical assessments, trauma assessment, pharmacology, special patient populations, and EMS operations. Course lab fee of $71 applies. Course lab fee of $143 for FISDAP study tools applies.
Prepares students for certification as an Emergency Medical Technician-Advanced through the Utah Bureau of EMS. Includes Life span development, advanced airway management, intravenous access, medication administration, cardiac rhythm interpretation and other advanced medical skills. Course lab fee of $126 for supplies applies. Course fee of $62 for certification materials applies.
Reinforces concepts and clinical skills students previously learned at the EMT level. Introduces advanced concepts in EMS Systems, illness and injury prevention, medical-legal issues, anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, scene leadership and incident management for the paramedic. Course fee of $418 applies.
Reinforces concepts and clinical skills students previously learned at the EMT level. Introduces advanced concepts in Cardiology, Airway Management, Respiratory Distress and Resuscitation. Identifies patient assessment and management within the paramedic scope of care. Course fee of $7 applies.
Reinforces concepts and clinical skills discussed in ESEC 3220. Emphasizes patient assessment, airway management, cardiac care, pathophysiology, pharmacology, critical decision-making skills and appropriate interventions while caring for cardiac, respiratory, or resuscitation emergencies. Assessment based management and evidenced based practices will be applied. Course fee of $123 applies.
Reinforces and expands upon the materials and clinical skills learned as an EMT. Integrates prior learning with enhanced advanced life support concepts and skills. Emphasizes patient assessment and recognition of significant findings, differential diagnoses and treatment strategies for trauma patients. Course fee of $46 applies.
Reinforces concepts and clinical skills discussed ESEC 3230. Emphasizes patient assessment, airway management, pathophysiology, pharmacology, critical decision-making skills and appropriate interventions during traumatic emergencies. Assessment based management and evidenced based practices will be applied. Course lab fee of $85 applies.
Reinforces and expands upon the materials and clinical skills learned as an EMT. Integrates prior learning with enhanced advanced life support concepts and skills. Emphasizes patient assessment and recognition of significant findings, pre-hospital diagnosis and differential diagnosis, and treatment strategies for medical and geriatric patients. Course fee of $54 applies.
Reinforces concepts and clinical skills discussed in the ESEC 3240. Emphasizes patient assessment, airway management, pathophysiology, pharmacology, critical decision-making skills and appropriate interventions while caring for medically emergent patients. Assessment based management and evidenced based practices will be applied. Course lab fee of $11 applies.
Reinforces and expands upon the materials and clinical skills learned as an EMT. Integrates prior learning with enhanced advanced life support concepts and skills. Emphasizes patient assessment and recognition of significant findings, pre-hospital diagnosis and differential diagnosis, and treatment strategies for obstetric and pediatric patients. Course fee of $216 applies.
Reinforce concepts and clinical skills discussed in the ESEC 3250. Emphasizes patient assessment, airway management, pathophysiology, pharmacology, critical decision-making skills and appropriate interventions while caring for patients with obstetrics and pediatric emergencies. Assessment based management and evidenced based practices will be applied. Course fee of $45 applies.
Brings paramedics and nurses together in an effort to bridge the gap between pre-hospital and hospital care. Prepares specialized care providers to have an understanding of both aspects of patient care, and to use that understanding to provide a higher level of care to critical patients during transport. Designed to prepare paramedics and nurses to function as members of a critical care transport team. Offers an understanding of the special needs of critical patients during transport, become familiar with the purpose and mechanisms of hospital procedures and equipment, and develop the skills to maintain the stability of hospital equipment and procedures during transport.
Provides opportunity to apply previously learned knowledge and skills in on-line scenario activities, research current EMS trends, as well as recognition assignments for clinical site preceptors.
Provides the paramedic student with an opportunity to apply previously learned knowledge and skills while in a supervised clinical setting. Rotations include: Emergency Departments, Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Units, Labor and Delivery, Psychiatric, and Prehospital experiences with field-based internships. Course lab fee of $60 applies.
Provides practical and small group lecture activities using current assessment and treatment techniques for cardiac, multiple system trauma, medical, and pediatric victims. Reinforces patient priority assessment and management concepts needed for successful patient outcomes. National Registry psychomotor preparation and testing included. Course lab fee of $101 applies.
Provides opportunity to practice as a paramedic providing pre-hospital care for emergent and non-emergent patients. Integrates knowledge, behavior and skills from previous courses, labs and internships. Prepares students for national certification exam. Course fee of $19 applies.